The bulk update request #2046 is pending approval.
create implication bruised (5140) -> wounded (10531)
create implication minor_wound (133) -> wounded (10531)
create implication severe_wound (107) -> wounded (10531)
create implication fatal_wound (422) -> severe_wound (107)
create implication decapitation (2121) -> fatal_wound (422)
create implication dismemberment (957) -> severe_wound (107)
create implication disembowelment (838) -> fatal_wound (422)
create alias gunshot_wound (214) -> bullet_wound (367)
create implication bullet_wound (367) -> wounded (10531)
create implication genital_wound (21) -> wounded (10531)
create implication genital_mutilation (1564) -> genital_wound (21)
create implication pussy_wound (47) -> genital_wound (21)
create implication penis_wound (2) -> genital_wound (21)
create implication ball_wound (0) -> genital_wound (21)
create implication slit_(wound) (98) -> wounded (10531)
create implication slit_throat (281) -> slit_(wound) (98)
create implication slit_wrists (0) -> slit_(wound) (98)
create implication slit_throat (281) -> severe_wound (107)
create implication broken_bone (284) -> wounded (10531)
create implication broken_nose (15) -> wounded (10531)
create implication broken_wing (216) -> wounded (10531)
create implication impalement (999) -> severe_wound (107)
create implication bisected (327) -> fatal_wound (422)
create implication arrow_wound (19) -> puncture_wound (53)
create alias stab_wound (74) -> stab (906)
Reason: making a BUR as suggested here: topic #32492
the purpose of this BUR would be to primarily implicate all wound tags to wounded as well as to bifurcate wounds into minor_wounds and severe_wounds where possible and unambiguous.