Topic: Heart text BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2083 is pending approval.

create implication heart_before_text (435) -> text_with_heart (6762)
create implication heart_after_text (6012) -> text_with_heart (6762)
create implication hearts_around_text (1651) -> text_with_heart (6762)
create implication heart_between_text (96) -> text_with_heart (6762)
create implication text_with_heart (6762) -> text (1245186)

Reason: Any tag about hearts and text involve text having hearts alongside it. For text_with_heart to apply, an image needs both a heart symbol and text.

gattonero2001 said:
I thought we were getting rid of <3? topic #32342

It's in a state of limbo at the moment, we have yet to discuss for a replacement tag for "<3", I had proposed heart_symbol but people were adamant because it inherently implies symbol, when non-symbol cases (such as heart-shaped box_of_chocolates/heart_box, or heart_(marking)) can get mistagged into the group.

A potential fix is for <3 to be aliased to heart_(disambiguation), but it still leaves the question of a replacement "<3" tag unanswered, and not to mention the potential 190k posts needing to be combed through and fixed.
Another option is to alias <3 to heart_shape and leave it as is, using it as a general umbrella tag for all tags related to "<3".

thegreatwolfgang said:
Another option is to alias <3 to heart_shape and leave it as is, using it as a general umbrella tag for all tags related to "<3".

Do we even need an umbrella tag for heart-shaped things? I don't think it would make much sense for things like flower and star tattoos to implicate "flower" and "star" respectively, for example. Why should heart shapes be an exception?

gattonero2001 said:
Do we even need an umbrella tag for heart-shaped things? I don't think it would make much sense for things like flower and star tattoos to implicate "flower" and "star" respectively, for example. Why should heart shapes be an exception?

Don't want to go off topic for this thread, but you can read more (and maybe even comment) on the original thread - topic #27282. Discussion on what to do with <3 kinda dropped off halfway into the thread.

In short, <3 is not being used as a symbol like the wiki says (i.e., "Use this tag whenever a heart symbol (♥) or its emoticon equivalent (<3) is present.") and basically encompasses anything related to heart-shaped things (e.g., it's currently implied to <3_eyes, <3_censor, & heart_nose), so options are to either disambiguate it (and cleanup the 190k total posts, which would take tremendous effort) or just sweep everything under the rug and alias it to heart_shape to officially end the use of <3.