Topic: The Belly Problem

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2224 is pending approval.

remove implication monotone_belly (1289) -> belly (275162)
remove implication red_belly (437) -> belly (275162)
remove implication orange_belly (254) -> belly (275162)
remove implication yellow_belly (1180) -> belly (275162)
remove implication green_belly (376) -> belly (275162)
remove implication blue_belly (931) -> belly (275162)
remove implication purple_belly (507) -> belly (275162)
remove implication brown_belly (609) -> belly (275162)
remove implication black_belly (916) -> belly (275162)
remove implication pink_belly (515) -> belly (275162)
remove implication white_belly (11524) -> belly (275162)
remove implication grey_belly (1177) -> belly (275162)
remove implication tan_belly (3351) -> belly (275162)
remove implication multicolored_belly (235) -> belly (275162)
remove implication countershade_belly (810) -> belly (275162)
remove implication striped_belly (39) -> belly (275162)
remove implication spotted_belly (53) -> belly (275162)
remove implication belly_markings (1477) -> belly (275162)
remove implication glistening_belly (1251) -> belly (275162)
remove implication sweaty_belly (1225) -> belly (275162)

Reason: Right now the belly tag is being implicated whenever someone tags the colour of a character's midsection, among a few other qualities (glistening_belly, sweaty_belly). Right now there's no alternative for tagging these qualities (i.e. "white_midriff", "glistening_tummy") so everyone's a bit SOL.

For the big belly-lovers on here there is great dismay, for there's posts with all kinds of flat-tummied characters getting accidentally invited to the paunch party. I humbly request the removal of these implications.

That said, I can imagine there being confusion going forward, as the belly tag refers to a rotunder individual, but e.g. white_belly simply refers to the colour of any old bleached midriff. Curious what the opinion is: Do you think the colour tags should be aliased to e.g. "tan_midsection" or "tan_tummy" to avoid confusion? Alternatively belly itself could be aliased to a different name, for example the affable "gut", or my favourite, "paunch".

Either way, there is a wail of torment going on for every fan of bloated tummies site-wide, having to crawl through walls of flatness. I humbly ask you assist us so we can rebuild anew.

Agreed. A character merely having a stomach seems to me to be like, for lack of a better word, chairs. Or sky blueness if you prefer. If the tag just meant "belly" in the colloquial sense it would be different, but right now it isn't.

I'm all for the deimplication, all it's doing is flooding the tag with irrelevant images, and it isn't useful at all.