Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: necktie_pull -> necktie_grab

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #43686 necktie_pull -> necktie_grab has been rejected.

Reason: Feels like pulling on necktie involves having grabbed that necktie.

Text at necktie grab is
"When a character grabs another character's necktie."

Reasonable to add See also: necktie_pull to that wiki?

(no wiki at necktie pull)

EDIT: The tag implication necktie_pull -> necktie_grab (forum #330859) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

OOPS. Took some time away from computer and
realized clothing pull says "The act of ... pulling an article of clothing being worn."
ie. assuming this means clothing_pull includes character(s) pulling their own clothing.

So implication of necktie_pull -> necktie_grab seems INCORRECT.
(ie. image of person pulling their OWN necktie shouldn't imply to tag of grabbing someone ELSE's necktie)


EDIT: Checking out wikis of other *pull* tags:

(capitalizing for emphasis)

arm pull "When a character, instrument, or device pulls the arm of ANOTHER character. ..."
collar pull "... can refer to any image depicting a collar being put under tension by ANOTHER character."
leash pull "... can refer to any image depicting a leash being put under tension by ANOTHER character."

arg, so some *pull tags involve pull being done to another character.


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