The tag alias #56987 gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) has been approved.
Reason: This is the characters "real" name.
EDIT: The tag alias gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) (forum #331112) has been approved by @bitWolfy.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #56987 gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) has been approved.
Reason: This is the characters "real" name.
EDIT: The tag alias gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) (forum #331112) has been approved by @bitWolfy.
Updated by auto moderator
donovan_dmc said:
The tag alias #56987 gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) has been approved.Reason: This is the characters "real" name.
yeah the _(character) tag is pretty flawed and that parentheses should be used for ownership instead
barefootslavedragon said:
yeah the _(character) tag is pretty flawed and that parentheses should be used for ownership instead
Ehh, the parentheses are mostly used as identifiers, to distinguish the tag from something with the same/similar name. pokémon (species), sonic the hedgehog (series), bow (weapon), [[aaron (artist)], it's not just for ownership.
Different endings can be better in different situations, _(character) makes sense if the name is exactly the same as something else, and either isn't really owned by any one artist or is owned by an artist with the same name
And showing ownership can look dumb in some circumstances
Take my own character for instance, named just Donovan
donovan is ambiguous, and donovan_(donovan_dmc) is long winded and looks a bit silly, I've ended up just going for donovan_dmc
The tag alias gaokun_(character) -> gao_(gaokun) (forum #331112) has been approved by @bitWolfy.