Topic: Return "Art" as invalid BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2298 is pending approval.

remove alias media_(artwork) (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias old_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias shitty_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias art_trade (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias artwork (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias clean_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias commission_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias crap_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias fanart (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias fan_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias fan-art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias fanarts (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias free_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias furry_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias giftart (0) -> invalid_tag (2)
remove alias gift_art (0) -> invalid_tag (2)

Reason: Unaliasing tags from invalid to have an invalid category instead, so people know which kind of tag was invalid.

Post BUR

category art -> invalid
alias media_(artwork) -> art
alias old_art -> art
alias shitty_art -> art
alias art_trade -> art
alias artwork -> art
alias clean_art -> art
alias comission_art -> art
alias crap_art -> art
alias fanart -> art
alias fan_art -> art
alias fan-art -> art
alias fanarts -> art
alias free_art -> art
alias furry_art -> art
alias giftart -> art
alias gift_art -> art

I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

With invalid tags, there are basically two possible solutions:

  • tags that should be outright removed are aliased to invalid_tag.
  • tags that should be replaced with a better-fitting tag are put into the invalid category

I do not think that too many tags on this list can be replaced with better ones.
Although, media_(artwork) and artwork can definitely be aliased to art.

furrin_gok said:

Post BUR

category art -> invalid
alias media_(artwork) -> art
alias old_art -> art
alias shitty_art -> art
alias art_trade -> art
alias artwork -> art
alias clean_art -> art
alias comission_art -> art
alias crap_art -> art
alias fanart -> art
alias fan_art -> art
alias fan-art -> art
alias fanarts -> art
alias free_art -> art
alias furry_art -> art
alias giftart -> art
alias gift_art -> art

There's also furryartwork, furryart, furrydrawing, pokemonfanart, and pokemonart that I've seen.

I'd personally like to see the majority of things unaliased from invalid_tag - it's better to see what people are trying to tag even if it's invalid. It has to be removed from the post either way in the end. Stuff like shitty_art are best kept aliased because there's no benefit for offensive tags.

I can imagine old_art being used instead of ancient_furry_art - which suddenly seems to have 0 posts??

clawstripe said:
It seems to have been converted to ancient_art, possibly because the "furry" part was considered redundant and possibly too restrictive.

Seems kind of silly to make the change without an alias?

bitwolfy said:
I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

With invalid tags, there are basically two possible solutions:

  • tags that should be outright removed are aliased to invalid_tag.
  • tags that should be replaced with a better-fitting tag are put into the invalid category

I do not think that too many tags on this list can be replaced with better ones.
Although, media_(artwork) and artwork can definitely be aliased to art.

All of these tags are invalid "art" tags though, so since an invalid tag needs to be removed anyways, why not at least help users figure out which kind of tag was incorrect?

faucet said:
I'd personally like to see the majority of things unaliased from invalid_tag - it's better to see what people are trying to tag even if it's invalid. It has to be removed from the post either way in the end. Stuff like shitty_art are best kept aliased because there's no benefit for offensive tags.

Alright, alias then to "Troll tagger" then. That way it's more obvious that those users were trying to troll.
Sadly this could easily lead to unwanted dogpiling, so it's hard to say. Are admins able to see the raw tag entry to know if a user is trying to be a troll?

furrin_gok said:

All of these tags are invalid "art" tags though, so since an invalid tag needs to be removed anyways, why not at least help users figure out which kind of tag was incorrect?

With most of these, it doesn’t matter if they know which tag was incorrect since there’s no valid replacement. All this will do is leave a bunch of invalid tags, most likely. At least invalid_tag can just be mass-removed without having to worry about finding a replacement. I think once all the tags that can be replaced with other things are finally moved from the invalid_tag alias to the invalid category, we could have a bot automatically remove invalid_tag whenever it appears.

As for this BUR, I can only support unaliasing art, artwork, and media_(artwork) as those could conceivably be referring to things other than the fact that image itself is artwork. The rest ought to be left aliased.

scaliespe said:
With most of these, it doesn’t matter if they know which tag was incorrect since there’s no valid replacement. All this will do is leave a bunch of invalid tags, most likely. At least invalid_tag can just be mass-removed without having to worry about finding a replacement. I think once all the tags that can be replaced with other things are finally moved from the invalid_tag alias to the invalid category, we could have a bot automatically remove invalid_tag whenever it appears.

As for this BUR, I can only support unaliasing art, artwork, and media_(artwork) as those could conceivably be referring to things other than the fact that image itself is artwork. The rest ought to be left aliased.

You're missing half the point of invalid tag. As the tagger, if you see you have invalid_tag you have no idea what you tagged wrong, you shrug, you move on and keep making that mistake. You get something like art that's invalid though, you realize "oh hey that art-related tag I tried to add was wrong" and stop trying to tag it.

furrin_gok said:
You're missing half the point of invalid tag. As the tagger, if you see you have invalid_tag you have no idea what you tagged wrong, you shrug, you move on and keep making that mistake. You get something like art that's invalid though, you realize "oh hey that art-related tag I tried to add was wrong" and stop trying to tag it.

Which will really only work if you know which art-related tag it was. If you add a bunch of tags onto a post, and afterward you just see art under Invalid (which you knew you didn't tag alone), you still have to remember each tag you added and search through the list to see which are missing, since it could also be more than one. Sure, the fact that the invalid tag is art instead of invalid_tag may help narrow it down a bit, but it becomes a balancing act of whether the extra maintenance of another Invalid tag outweighs the extra bit of help it may provide (which will depend on how often it's mistagged and how often it helps people realize which tag was bad so they can stop).

I'm not saying this wouldn't be worth it. Maybe it is. But maybe it isn't, I don't know.

It's always going to be a balancing act no matter how we slice it.
For example, dont mind the extreme examples here, just for demo purposes, not advocating for any of this
We could alias every and all tags to invalid, thus minimizing work needed to clean up and overhead. The downside is that you have literally no idea what caused it to show up, and have to work harder for each post more.
On the other extreme end, we can have everything instead imply invalid/ be in the invalid category, thus minimizing the work needed for each post, but maximizing the overhead and effort required in the cleanup.
Overall, I agree with bitwolfy on that,

bitwolfy said:
With invalid tags, there are basically two possible solutions:

  • tags that should be outright removed are aliased to invalid_tag.
  • tags that should be replaced with a better-fitting tag are put into the invalid category

I do not think that too many tags on this list can be replaced with better ones.

These art tags are mostly subjective if not more about the art itself rather than the art, just like the meta category.
Although I think that if its not been done already, the wiki for the invalid tags, in general, should be more fully-fledged and filled out, maybe with a more user-friendly list of tags that are aliased to it. IF we are going this route, we should not diluite the "look at me" factor of the invalid category, and only have those that needs to have replacemnent tags be an implication, while those that dont, like the art tags, they should be aliased.

furrin_gok said:
You're missing half the point of invalid tag. As the tagger, if you see you have invalid_tag you have no idea what you tagged wrong, you shrug, you move on and keep making that mistake. You get something like art that's invalid though, you realize "oh hey that art-related tag I tried to add was wrong" and stop trying to tag it.

Well, if invalid_tag starts getting automatically cleared, it’s not really a problem. They can add the wrong tag all they want and it’ll just get auto-removed. It saves us a few steps in having to clear it manually, since I think most people just leave invalid tags without checking to see what they did wrong, leaving the cleanup to others. Some people literally just copy-paste tags from other sites and move on. Even with the invalid category tags, I feel like the primary benefit is for the people who clean up tags on other people’s posts, as I think most users don’t bother to check the tags after uploading something.

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