Topic: Tag implication: Easter_egg -> easter

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #44087 easter_egg -> easter has been approved.

Reason: As the name implies, the Easter egg is part of the Easter holiday. See also: imply easter_egg -> egg

EDIT: The tag implication easter_egg -> easter (forum #332960) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

An Easter egg also refers to a hidden feature, message, or inside joke inserted in digital software (computer programs, video games, DVD menus, et cetera) and hardware for users to find. The term, which originated from a hidden message in the Atari 2600 video game Adventure, is meant to invoke the idea of a traditional Easter egg hunt. These kinds of Easter eggs can be invoked on e621's images using notes (although we strongly encourage you not to abuse this feature). For example, see if you can find the Easter egg hidden in post #1338151.

The tag could be used to refer to content that originates from a video game "easter egg", and in fact still does for some flash content where you still accessed it via the "easter egg".

furrin_gok said:
The tag could be used to refer to content that originates from a video game "easter egg", and in fact still does for some flash content where you still accessed it via the "easter egg".

That should be put into its own tag. The vast majority of this tag’s uses are going to be for the physical object, so I don’t think mistagging will be a problem. Perhaps hidden_content? It looks like that tag’s already in use for the same thing.

Given how Flash is no more than a relic of the site nowadays, and will never be uploaded again, I don’t think the video game Easter egg should take precedence over the common holiday object that it originally derives its name from. The easter_egg tag is currently used overwhelmingly for the actual egg, plus a hidden_content tag already exists as a substitute for hidden Flash content.

scaliespe said:
Given how Flash is no more than a relic of the site nowadays, and will never be uploaded again, I don’t think the video game Easter egg should take precedence over the common holiday object that it originally derives its name from.

Easter eggs aren't only for games. They can be in videos too, like a background detail referencing something otherwise unrelated (in movies, it's not too unusual for a director to put in small details that reference their other work or their inspirations as an easter egg).

watsit said:
Easter eggs aren't only for games. They can be in videos too, like a background detail referencing something otherwise unrelated (in movies, it's not too unusual for a director to put in small details that reference their other work or their inspirations as an easter egg).

Even so, that’s probably even less common on artwork posted here than it was in the flash games posted here. Perhaps hidden_content could apply to those as well, if we have any such examples?

scaliespe said:
Even so, that’s probably even less common on artwork posted here than it was in the flash games posted here. Perhaps hidden_content could apply to those as well, if we have any such examples?

Unless you plan on aliasing easter egg itself to hidden content, that won't work since users will still use the easter egg tag. And that alias won't work since people will use the tag even more for the actual eggs.
The Easter Egg tag needs to be disambiguated, the eggs sorted into their own tag and the bonus content into its own.

We really don’t need to be adding more tagging work where it isn’t necessary. It’s not likely that the hidden content type of Easter egg will ever see more than maybe a few dozen uses in the history of the site, compared to the actual egg which has 1,300+ posts. And even in the rare few cases when someone does upload something with hidden content, most people will probably realize that the tag is used for something else and won’t tag easter egg, instead landing on either Easter egg (meta), or hidden content. So unless we actually start seeing a consistent issue of mistags, disambiguation shouldn’t be used.

Ran into that situation today. Was looking at something that has an Easter Egg on the bottle. I then saw Easter_Egg and Easter_Egg_Meta and now I'm curious about that. I'm not even remotely sure if that should have a _marking tag... Probably not?