Topic: [REJECTED] BUR on Glass

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2529 has been rejected.

create implication balls_on_glass (425) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication belly_on_glass (167) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication breasts_on_glass (2227) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication penis_on_glass (217) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication pussy_on_glass (236) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication tongue_on_glass (99) -> on_glass (6910)
create implication balls_on_glass (425) -> balls (1059894)
create implication breasts_on_glass (2227) -> breasts (1740296)
create implication penis_on_glass (217) -> penis (1551969)
create implication pussy_on_glass (236) -> pussy (896631)
create implication tongue_on_glass (99) -> tongue (850232)
create implication ass_on_glass (1716) -> butt (1015897)

Reason: All of these tags should inherently involve a body part pressed "on glass", ass on glass is already implied to on glass. Tags that have a body part visibly on glass should have that body part tagged too.

EDIT: Unneeded, more expansive BUR approved (topic #34097)

EDIT: The bulk update request #2529 (forum #335540) has been rejected by @Hungrymaple.

Updated by auto moderator

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