Topic: Never found NSFW of this character

Posted under Art Talk

There is this character called vorteil which is a meme at this point because people use it for bait & click, my friend was so stubborn on finding NSFW of it he spent a whole night trying to find it but no avail, it just doesnt exist to what he told me, and that got me legit curious how a furry character from a meme is so popular and never got NSFW of it like im legit suprised at this point ngl

Just look on chan sites and everything's lazy-proned with copypasta photos of penises, still? Seriously though, you're probably just not looking at the right sites. Also, Google search is... weaker than it used to be for porn.

strikerman said:
i have literally never heard of this meme

Ditto, first time I have seen that name, let alone there being a meme.

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