The bulk update request #2908 has been rejected.
create implication black_stripes (13051) -> black_markings (13035)
create implication black_spots (7874) -> black_markings (13035)
create implication grey_stripes (1537) -> grey_markings (2422)
create implication grey_spots (1520) -> grey_markings (2422)
create implication white_stripes (2314) -> white_markings (10597)
create implication white_spots (2381) -> white_markings (10597)
create implication red_stripes (2116) -> red_markings (11576)
create implication red_spots (561) -> red_markings (11576)
create implication orange_stripes (1375) -> orange_markings (3012)
create implication orange_spots (521) -> orange_markings (3012)
create implication yellow_stripes (1226) -> yellow_markings (6586)
create implication yellow_spots (564) -> yellow_markings (6586)
create implication green_stripes (1118) -> green_markings (4068)
create implication green_spots (907) -> green_markings (4068)
create implication blue_stripes (3561) -> blue_markings (11491)
create implication blue_spots (1935) -> blue_markings (11491)
create implication purple_stripes (2319) -> purple_markings (5513)
create implication purple_spots (759) -> purple_markings (5513)
create implication brown_stripes (4736) -> brown_markings (5986)
create implication brown_spots (4360) -> brown_markings (5986)
create implication pink_stripes (786) -> pink_markings (2637)
create implication pink_spots (722) -> pink_markings (2637)
Reason: i noticed these weren’t there and the wiki didn’t say they shouldn’t be
EDIT: The bulk update request #2908 (forum #340597) has been rejected by @slyroon.
Updated by auto moderator