Topic: Plusterin livly tags 2

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3028 is pending approval.

create implication p1_variant_livly (3) -> plusterin_livly (1)
create implication p2_variant_livly (1) -> plusterin_livly (1)
create implication p3_variant_livly (0) -> plusterin_livly (1)
create implication plusterin_livly (1) -> livly_(species) (29)
create alias neobelmin_livly (0) -> livly_(species) (29)

From topic #34905:
Plusterin (p1 up to p3) livlies have aesthetic variations from their original species, but are still the same species. I think they should be tagged the same way as shiny pokémon.
Reason for alias:
"Neobelmin" is the name of the potion used to create non-plusterin livlies. A neobelmin madarakaga (livly) is a madarakaga in it’s original, unaltered form. Having this tag would be redundant.

Notice: I am very new to tag alias, implication and BUR requests.


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