Topic: [APPROVED] Remove alias: naive -> naïve

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I still don't like getting rid of diacritics, but this word is actually so rarely written with them anyway. +1

I wonder if "naivety" is a better tag name than "naive" though

faucet said:
I wonder if "naivety" is a better tag name than "naive" though

I would prefer to use something like "innocent" or "innocence", "naive" itself is rarely used

gattonero2001 said:
I would prefer to use something like "innocent" or "innocence", "naive" itself is rarely used

I don't feel "innocent" or "innocence" really captures what's meant by "naive". An unarmored, unarmed character looking at a bunch of bloody mangled corpses that a monster is currently devouring, and going "I can take it" would be naive, but to call it "innocent" or "innocence" doesn't really fit.

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