Topic: lowest scoring comment?

Posted under General

This is going to be a very odd request, but i know some other people on this site have the same mindset as me when it comes to this stuff

what I'm looking for is the comment with the lowest score on the site (that is, the most downvotes, red marks, whatever you want to call them). I know there are people on here, myself included, who enjoy going through blocked users or low scoring posts just because the drama this site gets into can be really funny sometimes, but comments are a bit harder to search for.

if you try to search through the "comments" section of the website and search by score, it all works fine until you get to page 330, after which it does not load any more pages even though the page counter goes up to 750. the error message that gets displayed is "the database timed out while querying your request" with a log ID attached.

the lowest score I've personally seen is around -200 on my own time, but I haven't been able to get anywhere close to that using the default searches, is there anything i can do about this? i know its a silly request and its almost certainly going to be underwhelming but I want to figure this out just so that I can know the forbidden knowledge I guess.

Well, the URL for comments ordered by score is:

Based on the fact that searching posts with order:score_asc will show you the lowest-scoring posts, it seems reasonable to assume that this should work:[order]=score_asc

But it doesn't, from which it's hard not to conclude that such information has been deliberately hidden from the public. Can't say I entirely blame them.

(That said, the second comment on the lowest-scoring post has a score of -1612, which is hard to beat.)

I can get up to page 750 with 320 results per page (I believe privileged users get a longer query timeout) but even then the lowest scoring comment is +13. I'd need to be able to go to page 15,468 to be able to see the lowest rated comment.

When filtering by score score_desc is the only available method, with no score_asc - I'm not sure if this was just overlooked or intentional design to stop us seeing the worst comments.

faucet said:
I can get up to page 750 with 320 results per page (I believe privileged users get a longer query timeout) but even then the lowest scoring comment is +13. I'd need to be able to go to page 15,468 to be able to see the lowest rated comment.

When filtering by score score_desc is the only available method, with no score_asc - I'm not sure if this was just overlooked or intentional design to stop us seeing the worst comments.

for me, changing post count per page doesn't affect comment searching, and I can only go up to 250 results per page anyways. maybe this is another thing only privileged users get? I'm not sure, I might just be doing something wrong since I don't mess with my account settings much anymore apart from my blacklist

wat8548 said:

(That said, the second comment on the lowest-scoring post has a score of -1612, which is hard to beat.)

Oh, wow, a comment under my threshold of -999 in my settings. I actually had to tap "see all comments" to view it! lol

wat8548 said:
(That said, the second comment on the lowest-scoring post has a score of -1612, which is hard to beat.)

and its from a site administrator no less! granted it isn't anything offensive In the slightest and I don't entirely understand the mass downvotes, but that is pretty funny all things considered.

egg_head said:
and its from a site administrator no less! granted it isn't anything offensive In the slightest and I don't entirely understand the mass downvotes, but that is pretty funny all things considered.

I wonder what percentage of those down votes were people testing what was mentioned in a later comment

I tried to downvote your comment, but it wouldn't let me (because you're an Admin), so I just upvoted it instead.

That's half true. Back in the day, Admin comments with negative scores would display as a neutral score of zero, so it was as if the down vote didn't work from a user perspective, even though it was still tracked in the system. Clearly, this functionality was removed later on.

I like to see the lowest-voted comments as lessons on what not to do, in addition to a bit of dark humor at how bad it can get.


"Comment threshold must be greater than -50000." Haha, I even tested exactly -50000 to see if they had an off-by-one bug. It works with -49999 or higher, as intended/described. God help us if there's a -50000 comment out there somewhere deep in the abyss.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

User was banned for the contents of this message.

closetpossum said:
God damn! Rainbow Dash, you got downvoted there too. What's up with that post?
The absolute animosity, the anarchy of downvotes!
post #7407842

You typo'd a digit? There isn't even 5 millions posts, yet.

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