Topic: brazilian_folklore

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3202 is pending approval.

create implication cuca (0) -> brazilian_folklore (7)
create implication sitio_do_pica-pau_amarelo (0) -> brazilian_folklore (7)
create implication bumba_meu_boi (1) -> brazilian_folklore (7)
create implication boitata (14) -> brazilian_folklore (7)
create implication saci_perere_(folklore) (0) -> brazilian_folklore (7)

Reason: these characters(and events) are part of Brazilian folklore. they are not very well known outside Brazil, but they are here. therefore, these implications would be helpful.


IMO "Cuca" needs a suffix and "Sítio Do Pica-Pau Amarelo" shouldn't imply anything.

"Cuca" can mean other things and the series has folklore characters but is not a part of the folklore itself.

I agree with removing the sitio_do_pica-pau_amarelo > brazilian_folklore implication, just because it's a popular series over here I don't think it "officially" counts as part of our folklore

Same with the Cuca implication, I would imply it to sitio_do_pica-pau_amarelo instead and add a suffix to the tag like gattonero2001 suggested. While you could argue that the character of Santa Coca is in fact part of portuguese/european folklore, the specifc depiction of Cuca as we know it originated from Monteiro Lobato's works and thus should imply the series instead of our folklore as a whole

the boitata, saci and bumba meu boi ones look good to me tho

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