Topic: Let’s get some more tag groups than just artist/copyright/species.

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
I feel like the site could use an expanded pool of tag groups for the purpose of tagging commonly missed tags that are found on the majority of images, usually as a scale or indicator which of something else.

Eg. Male/female/ambiguous could be a gender tag group.

Male on female, bigger dom, female on feral, etc could fall under a sexual relationship tag group. (Explicitly meant character-to-character, not objects or fetishes featured/used)

More groups can be suggested.

Body features can be a tag group. This can include cloacae, tits, ear tufts.
Body types might fall under the Gender category though.
Clothing (and unclothed) go into a clothing tag group.

These don’t get any special colors to them, they’re coloured the same as general tags.

Why would it be useful?
As stated, it’s just used to fill out tags that may be missing from an image that less experienced taggers are likely to not otherwise consider.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Posts, the wiki probably, add the groups to the tag edit page, & probably a small tag system change if colourless groups are going to be a thing. Post tags will now show under new categories they belong to, alongside the other general tags below them.



Former Staff

+1. Tag groups for gender, body type, clothing etc would improve tagging and organize the tags better.

For reference, when I looked it up, the top 187,500 general tags in the search limit were like this.

#1(5) 837
#10(14) 647
#50 443
#100 363
#500 247
#1000 211
#1% (1,875) 185
#2% (3,750) 160
#5% (9,375) 131
#10% (18,750) 114
#25% (46,875) 93
#50% (93,750) 80
#100%(187,500) 67

Copyright and characters have a lot of tags, so the numbers below them are used.
The default search limit is 56,250.

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