Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: streamer -> streamer_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #58756 streamer -> streamer_(disambiguation) has been approved.

Reason: I have noticed that that this tag hosts both confetti streamers (paper, plastic or metal scraps thrown at a celebration) and gaming streamers (content creators who livestream the games they play, usually on, which are two vastly different things.

EDIT: The tag alias streamer -> streamer_(disambiguation) (forum #343533) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

kemonophonic said:
This needs to be rejected (NOT hidden) and a new request created.

I believe the admin that approves it can edit it themselves. Not sure if they prefer rejecting a typo'd one and making a fixed request is preferred or not, though.

watsit said:
I believe the admin that approves it can edit it themselves. Not sure if they prefer rejecting a typo'd one and making a fixed request is preferred or not, though.

Well, OP was banned for alt account/being a minor, so an admin will have to reject it and replace with non-typo'd version

In "streamer", there were really not many confetti streamers (also when compared to video streamers), and the tag "confetti_streamer" already exist. So for the few picture where it was confetti_streamer I have changed "streamer" to "confetti_streamer".


The plural of streamer, streamers, is much more heterogeneous.
There were the case where there are multiple video streamer, the one of confetti_streamer, and there are also multiple kind of long decorations which are not confetti because attached to the ceiling.

For multiple video streamer, I've deleted the streamers tag and added streamer if it was not already on it.

In tags of streamers, I have added tags for :
- confetti_streamer : long confetti (made to be thrown)
- ceiling_decoration : something attached to the ceiling for decoration
- hanging_streamer : colored string attached for decoration (not made to be thrown)
- flag_streamer : for a string with a lot of little kind of flags (a flag streamer is not a streamer flag)
- ribbon_dancer : for someone dancing with a "dance ribbon" (which some people can sometimes call "dance streamer"). ribbon_dancer already exist so I have used it and not created a dance_ribbon (or dance_streamer) tag.

The question is now, what are all the tags which will additionally keep the streamers tag between confetti_streamer, hanging_streamer, flag_streamer, ribbon_dancer (or create a tag for the tool : dance_ribbon) ?
Is it all of them ?
(ceiling_decoration is too general and is more than just streamers.)

When I have started sorting all of that, I have removed the streamers tag from confetti_streamer and since I have added many pictures to confetti_streamer. If we want to have streamers to all confetti_streamer it would be better to add a tag implication.


mikael_the_d said:
I want to point out that streamer has already a clear and comprehensible description :

Tagged for both characters that are depicted as live-streaming in artworks, or the characters of actual streamers.

Sounds like it really should be two different tags. People searching for images of possibly-made-up characters livestreaming would likely not want a deluge of posts mingled in that simply feature a real streamer's persona, and vice-versa.

watsit said:
Sounds like it really should be two different tags. People searching for images of possibly-made-up characters livestreaming would likely not want a deluge of posts mingled in that simply feature a real streamer's persona, and vice-versa.

Good point, and I agree. Perhaps streamer gets used for real streamer's personas (such as like imkrisyim's Chester or whiskeyding0's Whiskey) and artwork with characters doing a live stream can be tagged livestreaming. Seems a little scuffed, but I can't think of another way of dividing the two concepts into separate tags without making one of the tags needlessly complicated.

(Now that I read that back, that's kind of just rephrasing what you already said, tbh. I think it's a good idea though)

trevortheyeen said:
Good point, and I agree. Perhaps streamer gets used for real streamer's personas (such as like imkrisyim's Chester or whiskeyding0's Whiskey) and artwork with characters doing a live stream can be tagged livestreaming. Seems a little scuffed, but I can't think of another way of dividing the two concepts into separate tags without making one of the tags needlessly complicated.

livestreaming for a depiction of a character actively livestreaming makes sense, though I still don't like the idea of tagging a person's profession or hobby that they're not actively doing. We don't tag "artist" or "writer" because it depicts someone who is an artist or writer, so it doesn't make much sense to me to tag "streamer" or something because it depicts someone who is a streamer.

In either case, if people are going to mistakenly use streamer because it depicts someone livestreaming and not a real streamer, it should be disambiguated or otherwise aliased away, otherwise images depicting livestreaming would be fractured between two tags. Since there seems to be a war against disambiguation tags, we could alias streamer to livestreaming, and yell at anyone that used it to refer to a character's profession instead of their current activity.

watsit said:
livestreaming for a depiction of a character actively livestreaming makes sense, though I still don't like the idea of tagging a person's profession or hobby that they're not actively doing. We don't tag "artist" or "writer" because it depicts someone who is an artist or writer, so it doesn't make much sense to me to tag "streamer" or something because it depicts someone who is a streamer.

In either case, if people are going to mistakenly use streamer because it depicts someone livestreaming and not a real streamer, it should be disambiguated or otherwise aliased away, otherwise images depicting livestreaming would be fractured between two tags. Since there seems to be a war against disambiguation tags, we could alias streamer to livestreaming, and yell at anyone that used it to refer to a character's profession instead of their current activity.

I can see where you're coming from, but from my point of view I think it can be helpful if you were trying to look for say a vtuber that you remembered seeing, but couldn't remember their name. So I don't want the occupation/hobby iteration of the tag to be gotten rid of.

Honestly maybe vtuber could be the tag for actual streamers and livestreaming can be the tag for the activity depicted in artwork. Streamer could be aliased to vtuber, and that would make it clear that if you were trying to tag the activity that streamer isn't the correct tag to use. And both 2d vtubers and 3d/vr vtubers can be put under the same tag, since the thing that's important is the character depicted, not necessarily the way they're depicted.

Should we keep streamers or alias it to the disambiguation? The previous discussion was also pretty vague about what to do with the video streamers

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