Topic: Tag alias: the_lost_artist -> Zacianswords

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #58959 the_lost_artist -> zacianswords has been approved.

Reason: Previous twitter (Mayo1n0mor1) was suspended.
New twitter appeared with the handle The_Lost_Artist before handle was changed to ZacianSwords
Old artwork by this artist was posted with new watermark as well assuming this is the same artist but with a different name.

EDIT: The tag alias the_lost_artist -> zacianswords (forum #345738) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

clawstripe said:
Reason: A de-aliasing necessary so that the above can go through.

That isn't necessary for non-BUR alias requests - they handle transitive aliases automatically, as you can see by visiting the alias page. No idea why BURs don't support this.


Former Staff

wat8548 said:
No idea why BURs don't support this.

Probably a safety measure.
A BUR with multiple transitives can cause a whole alias/implication cascade with unpredictable results unless it's checked extremely thoroughly.
That's just a guess though.

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