Topic: [APPROVED] Spade disambiguation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3414 is active.

create alias spade (3) -> spade_(disambiguation) (48)
create alias spades (3) -> spade_(disambiguation) (48)
change category spade_(disambiguation) (48) -> invalid

Reason: spade can mean multiple things: a pussy, a shovel, the suit, a specific tail shape...
Alias it to disambiguate, then move to invalid

Edit: added spades to disambiguate

So uh, spade_(character) REALLY should be disambiguated, but I don't really want to lump it in with the non-character disambiguation... so I'm not sure what to do, alias it to like *_(character_disambiguation)?
So this should only be done after the normal spades have been disambiguated, unless someone has a better idea

Edit: someone went through and replaced it with better tags

EDIT: The bulk update request #3414 (forum #347302) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

I'll go see if we have a disambiguation entry in Wiki, already, then make one for it if not. I'll add those you mentioned to start. Anyone wanting to add others I forgot would be appreciated!
Oh, already see a problem. Spade_(suit) is poorly aliased. Don't forget the tag!

For convenience, list of related tags I found while trying to make a list for the wiki.
Alias spade_(suit), spades_(suit) ->
spade_tail (Tail with spade shape/symbol on the end)
spayed (Phonetic homonym)
spade_(shovel) spade_(tool) I don't see anything like this, I don't think.
ace_of_spades (the card)
spade_(symbol), spade_(marking), spades_(marking) Redundant?
spade_bulge Seems to be a canine_pussy under clothing?
spade_print I thought this would be on the ground but... it's on a shirt. Redundant?
spade_(character), spade_(artica9), spade_(freedom_planet), spades_(mlp), spades_(krabbshack), spades_slick, spades_hoyle are all character tags.
spade_shaped_flare is a reference to head of penis.
Spade_tongue Oh hi King_Spade! Some more...


A tool with a sharp-edged, typically rectangular, metal blade and a long handle, used for digging or cutting earth, sand, turf, etc.

For the symbol, use ♠ instead. Anything else carrying that symbol uses the tag format spade_x.

Yeah, this is being used wrong? Very ambiguous name for a tag. :( Here's the Wiki link. Needs fancifying of formatting and some BUR action but it seems to be mostly complete?

[[♠]]  The symbol
[[spade_(shovel)]]  The tool
[[spade_tail]]  Tail with spade shape/symbol on the end
[[spayed]] (Phonetic homonym, a form of [[castration]])
[[ace_of_spades]]  The card with this symbol
xx_of_spades Specific cards in the suite.  Extremely rare tag.
[[spade_bulge]] A variation of [[camel_toe]] for [[canine_pussy]] examples.
[[spade_(character)]], [[spade_(artica9)]], [[spade_(freedom_planet)]], [[spades_(mlp)]], [[spades_(krabbshack)]], [[spades_slick]], [[spades_hoyle]], and [[King_Spade]] are all character tags.
[[spade_shaped_flare]] is a reference to the head of a penis.
[[Spade_tongue]]  Like the tail tag but for a tongue

I left a huge list on this post of possibly redundant tags to alias away, for convenience. Spade_(symbol) is... obvious.

Updated What about this one? Is that supposed to be just a spade sticking out of the monster, like some goo monster that just ate a bunch of adventurers and the farmer they escorted? RPG themes. Although it must be a pretty awful party to lose to a slime! :P

If so, then I guess it's spade_(shovel). Going ahead and going through them ahead of time to find the ones with actual shovels. Since vote seems to be going strongly for disambiguation, and this tag is a mess, it seems obvious to create a specific tag for the tool. Is there even a spade in this image?

And... done. At least for the tool tag. I saw some examples of the symbol and anatomy shape in there but that's a problem for future since taking a break. At least we won't have any more spade tags being poorly used! :) Some, like this one might need to have tags changed to _(symbol) versions? Again, a future project. star_polygon for example.

Feeling kind of dumb: I was thinking suit meant like clothing. Of course it's the same as the term for A23456789TenJQK set (quarter of 52-card deck) of cards with same suit.


I think the spade_(shovel) should instead be renamed to spade_(tool) since spades and shovels are technically 2 different things, but are basically near identical, so probably worth aliasing
Image for comparison.


alphamule said:


should be disambiguated, considering the list of character you gave right after it, on top of another one i added recently


OK, it's easy enough to do an alias on spade_(shovel) to spade_(tool)? They both made sense so I just used one as a placeholder to separate them from the other "spade" posts.

Yeah, that was next thing with the characters after dealing with shovels and the card symbol.

cutefox123 said:
I think the spade_(shovel) should instead be renamed to spade_(tool) since spades and shovels are technically 2 different things, but are basically near identical, so probably worth aliasing
Image for comparison.

The wiki pages really throw a wrench in your attempt to separate them. A spade is a shovel, but not all shovels are spades.

deadoon said:
The wiki pages really throw a wrench in your attempt to separate them. A spade is a shovel, but not all shovels are spades.

I mean, I guess, but i would prefer that they get aliased together, since they are close enough.

cutefox123 said:
spade_(character) should be disambiguated, considering the list of character you gave right after it, on top of another one i added recently

Which 'spade' was defined as spade_(character) should be figured out. Wiki does not say. I'll have to see if they are the same character, and then find the artist/owner.
~90% of it was FlailingSpade and most of rest was LioMynx's character.


The bulk update request #3434 is active.

create alias spade_(character) (0) -> spade_(disambiguation) (48)

Reason: I manually checked the characters to make sure they were the right artists/owners and created ones for specific variations, mostly FlailingSpade and LioMynx. It should be marked as invalid to prevent mistagging in the future?

EDIT: The bulk update request #3434 (forum #347693) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

alphamule said:
The bulk update request #3434 is active.

create alias spade_(character) (0) -> spade_(disambiguation) (48)

Reason: I manually checked the characters to make sure they were the right artists/owners and created ones for specific variations, mostly FlailingSpade and LioMynx. It should be marked as invalid to prevent mistagging in the future?

Thanks for sorting out spade_(character) posts.

How about aliasing spade_(character) TO -> spade_(disambiguation)?

Personally I'd prefer spade_(character)_(disambiguation) (because then part of the work is done on figuring out what kind of spade)
... but (character)_(disambiguation) tags don't seem to be a thing at e621.

Update now the duplicate alias has been rejected:

The vast majority of spades posts are also tagged spades_(suit). I removed the tag from a handful of spade_tail posts. The majority of remaining posts are tagged lancer_(deltarune).

For some reason, there are three posts tagged spades featuring a character holding a dual bladed weapon of some kind, which seems way too specific to be a coincidence:

post #215935 post #218405 post #4450409

Most of the rest are inexplicable ponyposts from 2012, which are quickly becoming the bane of my existence:

post #187258 post #259289 post #263104 post #263255

That leaves just two posts where I have no clue why the spades tag was ever applied. Maybe I didn't look closely enough?

post #8800 post #639392

The character BUR should also be approved. Since it was proposed, someone went and repopulated it with yet another character.

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