Topic: Nuisances in e621

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

The Nusainces

1. There are tons of stickies on the forum page and to someone looking at it for the first time, its hard to understand.
2. Comon mods, its 2022 almost 2023 and you still use the "[x][/x]" crap? I mean, seriously, it's not even normal HTML. I think its long due for an upgrade
3. You can only upload one image at a time, which isn't exactly a problem, but I'd rather be more efficient.

I made a post exactly like this one in the past, however, my English wasn't very good then, so I'll repeat them
I believe I wasn't very descriptive with these ones that I said last time so ill repeat them.
4. The meh face in between the thumbs up and thumbs down for forum aliasing reactions is out of place. Please please please make it another hand, or make them all faces.
5. Make hyperlinks that take you to another site open up a new tab with the m1 click. Mainly that "Download" button, and an oos link. It's annoying when I miss the Middle mouse button and I have to reopen e6.

possible Fixes to the Nuisances

1. User friendliness 😊
-Change the topic selector at the top to dropdown and make it bolded or at least more noticeable.
-Give the option to hide stickies.- with a button.
-Formatting; This compact look is so 2010. Change it to a bigger format or give options through a dropdown at the top right like reddit. Make it so bigger forms have something like the first few lines of the body or something along with the title, and/or add the OP's profile picture.
-whatever else anyone can think of
2. This is misogyny. how dare the mods decide to continue to use the masculine "[]" over the feminine "<>" /j
In actuality, though. At the very least, make it so it activates when you press "Ctrl+b" or etc.
3. Like I said, this isn't really a problem, I just think it'd be nice to be able to upload multiple images at a time. Maybe you could divide the uploader or give it tabs to switch between multiple pictures.
If you have the available upload limit, I don't see how it's any different from opening two tabs on your browser and doing it like that, except for the fact that it'd be cleaner =) this'd help a lot with parent and child posts as well as pools if that situation arises
5. Of course, you could always use the middle mouse button, but I think as mentioned by someone else, it's a nice "Creature comfort"
This is probably the least urgent on this list, the most being #4

one thing i do want to see changed would be borrowing what the userstyle esix café does and replcae the reply and report buttons with symbols, if done right (i.e. by just straight up copying café) it would lead to a whole lot less misreports by people who wanted to reply to a comment

there is for sure a bunch of nuance to these nusainces, but i would love to see some of these changes made

except for the meh face, the meh face perfectly surmises how a user feels about a alias/implication when it's used and i can't see a thumb-to-the-side doing any better of a job

I agree with 1
2 is not really a problem and is easily dealt with by using BitWolf's e621 quality of life plugin
3 is a MUST, I too would like to upload in bulk but this can easily be done by just opening a NEW tab for e621
4 is not a problem, that's just a pet peeve. I personally like the way it is. Thumbs up / Meh for not sure / Thumbs down. The message is obvious and clear.
5, idk what that's even on about.

I agree that the stickys should be drop-down and free up that cluttery look.


funkyy said:
5. Make hyperlinks that take you to another site open up a new tab with the m1 click. Mainly that "Download" button, and an oos link. It's annoying when I miss the Middle mouse button and I have to reopen e6.

Well, in the web dev world, it is a good and recommended practice to have external links open in a new tab. There are many reasons for that:

I'm not sure why it's not done here yet. It already works with the links in the post sources but why not in the rest of the site?

funkyy said:
1. There are tons of stickies on the forum page and to someone looking at it for the first time, its hard to understand.

Some of them can be unstickied and mentioned in topic #21249. Cheap fix.

funkyy said:
2. Comon mods, its 2022 almost 2023 and you still use the "[x][/x]" crap? I mean, seriously, it's not even normal HTML. I think its long due for an upgrade

C'mon, it's current year!

DText works just fine with some exceptions. Your complaint would have had more weight before we got nice buttons last year. Now all you have to do is select the text and click the button.

Keyboard shortcuts for at least bold and italic might be good.

dripen_arn said:
one thing i do want to see changed would be borrowing what the userstyle esix café does and replcae the reply and report buttons with symbols, if done right (i.e. by just straight up copying café) it would lead to a whole lot less misreports by people who wanted to reply to a comment

Just put float:right on the Report link to keep it as far away from Reply as possible.

.forum-post div.content-menu li:nth-child(2n):not([class]) {
    float: right; font-size:80%;

That should move the Report and Hide links to the right. Make them smaller too while you're at it.

It's only good for the forums. Someone else can figure out the rest.


I'll take BBCode-style markup over HTML markup any day, myself, as it doesn't get messed up by maths.

The use of BBcode and other forum-only markups over HTML is generally for ease of use and security. Marquees are cute, for example, but nobody has any good reason to use them here, and you also don't want to have users embed scripts willy-nilly.

1. It would be nice to hide not just stickies, but also threads one is uninterested in.
2. Re621 makes the Dtext button customizable, it would be cool to have this for the standard e621 without a plugin
3. I am scared of this idea. It's good that one has to look at each picture individually. This would make the, "I upload a comic and put the same tags on all pages even if they are not present", uploads worse.
4. I like the way it is 😐
5. No opinion on that.

"I mean, seriously, it's not even normal HTML." Not sure if trolling. It was made to not be arrows on purpose because that way the brackets CAN'T be mistaken for HTML tags and lead to... special bugs. Oh, Lafcadio mentioned, hehe.

"I NEVER EVER EVER WANT THIS SITE TO BE, LOOK, OR FUNCTION LIKE REDDIT!!! What are you a redditor?" LOL, ditto. It's like a designer said "Hmm, who cares if people can use the site easily, let's just make everything as cool-looking as possible!". Hilariously, the thing still works, BTW.

DubsTheFox: I think you can actually do that, already. Can't user styles (not even needing uBO) hide specific divs?

E-H lets you upload ZIPs but that's because they have some galleries with 2000 images (the limit). Archives in general have some security issues, although Tenboro seems to have kept up with it. I guess that's similar to what OP wanted. Upload a bunch of files at once, then it asks you for tags of each. This sounds like it would lead to a lot of mistagging, or just end up opening up multiple tabs for each file, anyways. :/

#3 might come with a caveat because trolls might abuse the function, and it might potentially increase the workload for approvals.

kora_viridian said:
One way I could see the "multiple files at once" upload being useful is when an artist has drawn multiple similar versions of the same image, like clothed and nude, or fully-clothed, underwear, nude. In that case, a lot of the tags will be common to all of the images, with some tags changing depending on how much clothing and how many wibbly bits are visible.

To prevent the "applying the same tags to a bunch of images where they don't fit" problem, it might be good to limit this functionality to maybe 2 to 4 images at once.

As for tagging, I like how it's done on rule34.paheal where you can upload up to 20 files at once. You have one input named "Common Tags" and multiple inputs named "Post-Specific Tags" each for a separate file. As the names suggest, in the first one you enter tags that are valid for all files and in the others, the tags that are valid only for a specific file. I'm sure this would work here as well plus, it would kinda motivate users to split the tags between files and tag them differently.



ebea57 said:
As for tagging, I like how it's done on rule34.paheal where you can upload up to 20 files at once. You have one input named "Common Tags" and multiple inputs named "Post-Specific Tags" each for a separate file. As the names suggest, in the first one you enter tags that are valid for all files and in the others, the tags that are valid only for a specific file. I'm sure this would work here as well plus, it would kinda motivate users to split the tags between files and tag them differently.

I could see that causing problems with people mixing up tags for the posts, putting the tags meant for one post on another and vice-versa. I could also see this increasing attempts at upload sniping, when an artist posts multiple variations of an image to their galleries, a user just mass uploads them all with only a few "common" tags and no post-specific ones. Rather than having to do each post individually like now. There's also the fact that e6 has a limit of 5 alts, I don't see it saving all that much; you still need to source each post individually, you need to rate each individually, and common tags can be easily copy-pasted between tabs with an upload form, after which you can add post-specific tags to each one before hitting upload. Images that can avoid that limit will generally do so because they're different enough, either by being part of a sequence and/or by having fewer common elements between them, meaning there's less that would be the same between posts.

You could also just make this an separate tool like say on Android or extension, and let bans + upload limits do their jobs? Not sure. So much of the things like this might actually be better as a dedicated tool. Web UIs are clunky, sometimes!

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