I wandered across https://www.deviantart.com/kyoht/art/The-Collecting-Tree-18036082
and noticed the DA username on webpage was strikethrough-ed. (ie. kyoht )
Clicked on the username, and https://www.deviantart.com/kyoht
is "Deactivated Account".
So if you come across a Deactivated Account at DeviantArt,
there may be some art in their account that is still available.
Example: That kyoht/art/The-Collecting-Tree-18036082 webpage also links to
etc etc.
Searched e621 forum and don't see this (phenomenon?) mentioned in other forum thread(s).
(EDIT: and art in kyoht account shows up in deviantart search, so that's useful
https://www.deviantart.com/search/deviations?q=kyoht )
(I assume Art Talk is the correct forum category for this)