Currently listing some pokémon/pokemon tags, and I found myself with a doubt.
When removing an alias that has other tags aliased to it, will they carry over to the final tag, or I need to unalias all of them, and re-alias them?
In example: pokémon_stadium currently has child aliases pokémon_stadium_2 | pokemon_stadium_2 | pokemon_stadium and implies pokemon
I want to convert pokémon_stadium to pokemon_stadium. The correct way to to this in a BUR would be:
remove alias pokemon_stadium -> pokémon_stadium
or B)
remove alias pokemon_stadium -> pokémon_stadium
remove alias pokemon_stadium_2 -> pokémon_stadium
remove alias pokémon_stadium_2 -> pokémon_stadium
remove implication pokémon_stadium -> pokemon
Is B the correct/proper way? Or does A work just fine?
I assume if I just do A the system will throw me an error and do nothing, but I wanna make sure before doing anything just in case I mess up something.