Topic: Vore By Another Name (BUR)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3704 is pending approval.

create alias eaten_alive (2) -> vore (64058)
create alias eaten_whole (0) -> vore (64058)
create alias swallowed_alive (0) -> vore (64058)
create alias swallowed_whole (17) -> vore (64058)
create alias swallowing_whole (0) -> vore (64058)
create alias swallowing_alive (0) -> vore (64058)

Reason: All of the above tags are just used to describe "vore". Let's nip this in the bud before they get out of hand.




maplebytes said:
create alias eaten_whole (1) -> vore (44717)
create alias swallowed_whole (3) -> vore (44717)
create alias swallowing_whole (9) -> vore (44717)

I feel these could apply to non-living objects, and things like food. Perhaps aliasing to swallowing and swallowed would be better.

watsit said:
I feel these could apply to non-living objects, and things like food. Perhaps aliasing to swallowing and swallowed would be better.

While I agree that they could potentially technically be applied to a character swallowing a whole food item or an object (that would fall under object ingestion), I disagree with changing the alias:

1. It's very unlikely someone tagging a non-vore post will use "swallowed whole" or "swallowing whole" instead of swallowing, I think we can risk the rare extremely obvious mistagging, considering how little use these tags see.
2. Most of the posts under swallowing_whole and swallowed_whole don't even involve a character swallowing or being swallowed, the alias wouldn't make sense for the current posts under the tags.
3. Swallowed itself is a redundant tag, I wasn't sure whether to include it - because all of the posts under swallowedare vore posts (which don't necessarily even involve swallowing) - to alias it to swallowing, or to invalidate it.

crocogator said:
Maybe they should be aliased to oral_vore instead of just vore?

A few of the posts under swallowing_whole and swallowed_whole are some kind of tail vore, so making these tags alias to just "vore" seems like the best course of action.

EDIT: Actually, one post of eaten_alive contains a hard_vore pic.

If you mean the picture with a living cake character getting cut up, that's not vore because nobody is eating her, the eaten_alive tag isn't TWYS for the same reason, so I removed it.

Never mind, saw the other post.


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