Topic: Flashlight/Torch BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3770 is pending approval.

create alias flashlight_(object) (0) -> flashlight (1409)
create implication holding_flashlight (127) -> flashlight (1409)
create implication holding_flashlight (127) -> holding_tool (1934)
create implication holding_torch (160) -> holding_tool (1934)
remove implication holding_torch (160) -> holding_object (177136)

Reason: flashlight and flashlight_(object) are the same thing, and redundant.

Holding something implies the existence of the thing you're holding

A flashlight is a tool to light up dark areas

Likewise, a torch is a more primative tool to light up dark areas. It too should imply holding_tool and get it's holding_object implication through that tag.

Can you unimply and imply to something else in the same BUR? If so I can add the new implication to it, I just left it out incase it broke something.

trevortheyeen said:
Can you unimply and imply to something else in the same BUR? If so I can add the new implication to it, I just left it out incase it broke something.

Unimplying and implying in the same BUR is fine, it's not order-sensitive like unaliasing and re-aliasing the same tag and the problem is BURs aren't guaranteed to run in the correct order.

faucet said:
Unimplying and implying in the same BUR is fine, it's not order-sensitive like unaliasing and re-aliasing the same tag and the problem is BURs aren't guaranteed to run in the correct order.

That makes sense, I just couldn't remember if it was aliases only that were the issue or all functions. Adding other implication now.

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