The tag alias #61077 prime_(las_lindas) -> invalid_tag has been rejected.
Reason: las_lindas has well over 2k+ images to its name while the species, prime_(las_lindas) has only 400+
TWYS basically implies just that.
The e621 wiki for this species is that it's just a name that they call anthropomorphic animals
As a site that mainly deals with anthropomorphic animals there is no difference between (for example) a
"PRIME" ...mouse post #1694174 and a "REGULAR" ...mouse post #1375060 ...they'd both just be mice.
And you can compare with every character.
This is a tedious tag that adds nothing new nor helps the site. Only convolutes the tagging space with a redundant tag that is not needed. Why would anyone tag prime_(las_lindas) just because these furries are part of a webcomic when you can just TWYS which is just a regular furry animal.
THESE are Primes
post #174655
See anything warranting a "Prime" tag instead of what we already have? All I see is furries, a angel or two, and hybrids.
That is the reason. This species tag is only good in NAME (wanting to be special) but adds nothing new and
has no barring or individuality to be a species tag or any tag. That's about it.
EDIT: The tag alias prime_(las_lindas) -> invalid_tag (forum #355998) has been rejected by @gattonero2001.
Updated by auto moderator