Topic: *_(majorwolf) tags BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4035 is pending approval.

create alias cody_(philpewolf) (0) -> cody_(majorwolf) (2)
create alias heath_(philpewolf) (0) -> heath_(majorwolf) (3)
create alias oakin_(philpewolf) (0) -> oakin_(majorwolf) (0)

Reason: (Wandered across a post where a character name wasn't tagged.)
Owner's FA username is philpewolf, so I added tag heath_(philpewolf) to a post,

BUT then discovered another post (post #2022365) where e621 username MajorWolf ( )
added character tags cody_(majorwolf) and heath_(majorwolf). says :
1) their twitter is
and 2) "... The names Major. ...
My Characters:
Major: SFW - NSFW ..."
(with name on those 2 ref-sheets being "Major Wolf")

Since user is going in the direction of majorwolf
a) twitter username MajWuff
b) e621 username MajorWolf
and c) adding those _(majorwolf) tags.
... am suggesting aliases in this BUR, because assuming others will see owner's FA username is philpewolf, and add a *(philpewolf) tag.

Their FA userpage says they have 4 characters (all are depicted in art):
1) Major Wolf (tagged at e621 as major_wolf)
2) Cody
3) Heath
4) Oakin. Suggesting tag of oakin_(majorwolf) (instead of just oakin), since there are other oakin:

Other oakin:
4a) Zelda character Oakin
4b) Oakin Kiaw character (shadowy 3d )(drawing ) ... (ADULT rating )

{side-note: another character typoed as "Oakin" in description at , but folder name is Oaklin ( ), with additional wrinkle that only refsheet (in same folder) says "Oaklyn".}


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