Topic: What's up with these "if it fits..." tags?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

wat8548 said:


No wiki for either of them. Both overlap almost completely with in_container and seem to have no other unifying features. The second one overlaps almost entirely with the first. One of them was tagged on pool #29758 which isn't even the correct form of that meme.

Is there anything to salvage here or is this another look_at_my_dick_give_it_a_lick situation?

Seems like the tags are entirely used by a single user, see tag changes.

They're clearly riffing off if_it_fits_i_sits_(meme), which at least has an entry both here in the wiki and on KnowYourMeme, but these two tags seem like vanity tags to me rather than an attempt to tag legitimate memes. In fact, some of those posts are tagged with if_it_fits_i_sits_(meme) even though they shouldn't be.

The two tags would be better off as sets, in my opinion.


It sounds like ships should be for actual parcels that did or look like they could go through mail; and fucks should be for boxes that position them to be fucked.

post #3770756
This one for example, is a gift box, so ships, but not fucks; while they do fuck, it's outside the box.
post #3456426
Considering her arms are bursting out of the box, it's being used for fucks, not for ships.
post #3773279
This sort I could see being both.

The question is, do we even bother keeping them? I could see some merit, but they'd need some massive cleanup.

furrin_gok said:
The question is, do we even bother keeping them? I could see some merit, but they'd need some massive cleanup.

Probably not. Make a set, and invalidate?

kora_viridian said:
I think both of them might derive from a slogan the US Post Office used several years ago to advertise their flat-rate envelopes and boxes: "If it fits, it ships." They were pointing out that if you use the flat-rate package, the postage is the same price, no matter how far it's going or what it weighs. Example from 2009 here.

That's a good point. The name of if_it_fits_I_sits_(meme) is also derived from that slogan, so it only makes sense.

I see bitWolfy has just created these new tags, which seem directly targeted at replacing these tags with something more well-defined and generally less silly.

The bulk update request #4249 is active.

nuke tag if_it_fits_it_fucks_(meme) (0)
nuke tag if_it_fits_it_ships_(meme) (0)


wat8548 said:
I see bitWolfy has just created these new tags, which seem directly targeted at replacing these tags with something more well-defined and generally less silly.

Goddamn, I can't do anything on the down low anymore lmao
I started suitcase_bondage a few years ago, actually. It's a fairly niche thing.
Container_bondage is a logical continuation of it, I suppose.

EDIT: The bulk update request #4249 (forum #358652) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

wat8548 said:
Coda/punchline: The genius responsible for this topic, topic #37340, and topic #37275 has just been permanently banned... for being a sockpuppet of a user who was permabanned 18 months ago for similar shenanigans.

Don't forget topic #37471.

Just as a heads-up if they do return, look out for users who create unnecessary suffix additions/changes to existing tags (e.g., jill_valentine -> jill_valentine_(resident_evil)) or the plethora of useless tags such as the ones mentioned in the topics above.
Not to mention, how both their accounts have "24" in their names and how they "Always Type Their Sentences Like This".