Topic: error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - Validation failed: video is anamorphic (32:39)

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Hi, I'm trying to upload a video that is 16:9 (1.777) and I get this message:

error: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid - Validation failed: video is anamorphic (32:39)

I have uploaded a portion of this video previously that has ratio 2.64 for wide screens but it was deleted due to corrupted file and corrected the aspect in the new version

Anamorphic is when the display resolution doesn't match the sample resolution. It means that the pixels are not square. It is not related to the aspect ratio of the video itself, just how it is encoded. Look through the settings in your encoder to make sure that it isn't encoded as anamorphic, or trying to change the display resolution without an equal sample resolution.

Always a good sign when the duration between a new deploy adding an extra layer of upload verification and the first forum post complaining about not being able to upload invalid files is less than 24 hours.

wat8548 said:
Always a good sign when the duration between a new deploy adding an extra layer of upload verification and the first forum post complaining about not being able to upload invalid files is less than 24 hours.

It turns out my videos were set to the original 2.64 apect ratio which fills the new wider mobile screens without borders. My previous videos that had this support got taken down by Mario due to "Currupt file" even tho it seemingly worked fine with no complaints.
I exported back to 16:9 and it uploaded.

trioami said:
It turns out my videos were set to the original 2.64 apect ratio which fills the new wider mobile screens without borders. My previous videos that had this support got taken down by Mario due to "Currupt file" even tho it seemingly worked fine with no complaints.
I exported back to 16:9 and it uploaded.

Aspect ratio is not problem, you can upload at whatever aspect ratio you desire and we have videos at all aspect ratios at this point. Problem is you have anamorphic setting enabled and you have had this for ages and I have been deleting your stuff for ages as well.
Simply disable it and everything works. Is there reason why you have it enabled?

The site was updated to disregard these files, because they would be deleted manually regardless.

Anamorphic means that if you have e.g. 21:9 video file, you tell the encoder to encode it at 16:9 and then tell the viewers player to stretch it back to 21:9. This has not only possibility of not happening so viewers are viewing the video at incorrect aspect ratio, if it's done accidentally there's no way of telling what's original intented aspect ratio and of course there's huge quality downgrade as there's manual real time stretching of the video happening at viewers end.

wat8548 said:
Always a good sign when the duration between a new deploy adding an extra layer of upload verification and the first forum post complaining about not being able to upload invalid files is less than 24 hours.

Remember last one was limit for duration of the video to be 1 hour, this basically immidiately ended all the VLC transcodes which were all corrupted to hell but "they worked on everyone, even if it showed videos lenght to be one year, y u delet?"


I keep getting this message even though it isn’t a video? I’m confused, I don’t even know what anamorphic setting are. Is it because I’m on a tablet?



lankylank said:
I keep getting this message even though it isn’t a video? I’m confused, I don’t even know what anamorphic setting are. Is it because I’m on a tablet?

You should supply example files. I bet Mairo will be able to explain it. I am actually curious to see what container format they are.

lankylank said:
I keep getting this message even though it isn’t a video? I’m confused, I don’t even know what anamorphic setting are. Is it because I’m on a tablet?

The site will take the file, strip the filename and check what it is from the header.
So if you are uploading something that you think isn't a video and you are getting this error, it's most likely a video file with renamed extension to something else and site is renaming it back to what video format it is.

File is a file, it doesn't matter if it's from tablet, laptop, desktop or Nokia 6151.

mairo said:
The site will take the file, strip the filename and check what it is from the header.
So if you are uploading something that you think isn't a video and you are getting this error, it's most likely a video file with renamed extension to something else and site is renaming it back to what video format it is.

File is a file, it doesn't matter if it's from tablet, laptop, desktop or Nokia 6151.

I don't think that was the case. I uploaded the same file with no changes using my PC. It worked. Also I don't think you CAN do what you suggested on my tablet because as far as I know you can't do that on an iPad.



lankylank said:
I don't think that was the case. I uploaded the same file with no changes using my PC. It worked. Also I don't think you CAN do what you suggested on my tablet because as far as I know you can't do that on an iPad.

There's your problem. Safari or iOS probably converted it to a different format. You might want to verify that with a service like Litterbox that the uploaded file is actually the same.

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