Topic: How would I tag this character's wings?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

post #3865670
This character's wings are very simple and don't look much like wings, but they are wings. One is invisible due to the big tail covering up the other. I tried looking for a simple_wings tag but to no avail. Someone else removed all the wing tags from the post, all of which are listed here:

  • wings
  • small_wings
  • glistening_wings
  • grey_wings

Can anyone help with tagging these wings or more in this post? Thank you.

TWYS takes priority over your knowledge of the character. Far as anybody else knows, that could be a pauldron, armband, any other articles that'd be in proximity of an arm.

lafcadio said:
Far as anybody else knows, that could be a pauldron, armband, any other articles that'd be in proximity of an arm.

Bit low for a pauldron and bit wide for an armband

dripen_arn said:
my first reaction when looking at that art was "yeah i wouldn't even bother tagging that"

I mean, I tagged most (if not all) of what's there, so you wouldn't have to worry about most of them.

fatalse7en said:
I mean, I tagged most (if not all) of what's there, so you wouldn't have to worry about most of them.

that wasn't me literally stating that i was refusing to tag it, that was just a rhetorical way of me saying that the "wings" on that post are so small and abstract that it's probably not worth anybody's time to either tag it or remove tags, you and me alike

dripen_arn said:
that wasn't me literally stating that i was refusing to tag it, that was just a rhetorical way of me saying that the "wings" on that post are so small and abstract that it's probably not worth anybody's time to either tag it or remove tags, you and me alike

Ah, makes sense.

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