We have a drinking_urine tag
And we have [gender]_peeing tags
Should there be [gender]_drinking_urine tags?
Hear me out: I enjoy females drinking pee, and I'm not particularly picky about who is doing the peeing, but I do not enjoy males drinking pee. Using the search "drinking_urine female" will net you plenty of males drinking pee. about 1/3rd of the pictures are males drinking urine (or intersex, and a few ambiguous genders). Various methods of trying to omit males drinking urine are... incomplete. Subtracting "dominant_female," "female_on_top," and "female_peeing" all omit f/f piss drinking, and some pics where one or more of those tags is true still have the female drinking urine, and it still wont omit every male drinking urine. You could subtract "Submissive_male," but not all males drinking urine are marked as such, and I would argue that drinking urine isn't inherently submissive, so it still would be an incomplete workaround. However, having a male_drinking_urine and a female_drinking_urine tag would give me the accuracy I desire without incredibly complicated search strings.
So... is having a gendered drinking_urine tag too specific? Am I the only bothered by this?