Topic: date: tag won't work alongside another tag in the blacklist?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I'm trying to filter out posts that are both pending and were uploaded in the past week. However, when i do
status:pending date:week
it doesn't work. I checked manually and there are indeed posts that fit that description. Filtering status:pending works just fine by itself. Filtering date:week works just fine by itself. Combining status:pending with, for instance, pokemon works. Combining pokemon with date:week doesn't. What on earth am I missing?

The date metatag isn't supported for blacklists, but it would probably be a reasonable feature request.

The only metatags that work in blacklists are:

  • id
  • rating
  • user
  • userid
  • height
  • width
  • fav*
  • status

* The fav metatag only accepts the value me and can only be used to blacklist your own favorites.

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