I've had a look around in the wiki and forum but can't see anything that specifically indicates whether over-specific tags are warranted or undesirable in general. For example, tags like "green_hair" "green_arm_hair" "green_happy_trail" "green_chest_hair" "green_pubes" seem too specific to make those kind of tags truly useful, but they are insisted upon for orthogonal reasons. Like the artist insists on a personal set of tags, or the poster is interested in inflating the number of tags, or a contributor is just obsessed with green furred dragons or something.
I have in the past tried to edit tags into something less overly specific (eg: chest_hair and green_fur), but have seen issues where invalid tags have been re-added. Getting into a tagging fight on a post is the last thing I want (esp with a mod or janitor), if I am just trying to "clean up" a tag. Also, if someone re-adds an invalid tag without then going and fixing it, what is the best way to resolve this without either getting into an argument or giving up and ignoring it?
Is this something that posters should even be concerned about? Apologies if I've posted in the wrong place.