Topic: heebjeeb BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Please remember to show your references by hunting down off-site sources for the link in names. It makes it easier to see how the names correlate and whether the aliases should go another way or not as well as whether there are any complications.

The Evidence:

None of the artist wikis were filled out when I started (but they are now), so we have to go looking through the picture sources.

According to the Wayback Machined, the Chynbek DA linked to the themarquisofdorks Tumblr back in the day. They then renamed their DA to TheMarquisofDorks and claim their name is Beckham. This new DA adds in a link to the TheMarquisofDorks Weasyl. However, these days, all urls of the Chynbek and the TheMarquisofGeels DAs all link to the Wreckham DA, with the above mentioned Tumblr now linking over to the Wreckham Tumblr. Also, the Wreckham DA links to the Beckheck ArtStation, and the Wreckham Twitter.

So, where does Heebjeeb factor in? It turns out that they also have a Heebjeeb FA, with pictures mirrored there and on DA. Except we have a complication. The situation maplebytes wondered about in a previous thread has indeed popped up. There is another HeebJeeb on the site, a totally different individual with the HeebJeebs Twitter.

The Conclusion:

Wreckham is the name the artist in question uses currently on their sites except for FA (known to not allow users to change their account names), Weasyl (which appears to have been forgotten about for quite some time), and ArtStation (claimed as a business account.) Therefore, the target tag should be wreckham and not heebjeeb. It turns out chynbek has never been used on e621 and is currently empty anyway, so it's probably unnecessary to do anything with it, but it can be aliased to wreckham if so desired.

Heebjeeb is a bit stickier. It is indeed one of Wreckham's valid names, but it can and has been used for HeebJeebs as well. Since there aren't many heebjeeb pictures, I decided to just retag HeebJeebs' two pictures as heebjeebs, with a final s, and manually shoved the three remaining heebjeeb pictures over to wreckham. To be honest, both artists can equally get (mis)tagged as heebjeeb, so this might need a disambiguation for futureproofing.

The Tl;Dr:

The BUR should be amended to

alias chynbek -> wreckham
alias themarquisofdorks -> wreckham

Of heebjeeb, disambiguate or simply leave alone?


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