Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: ofideans -> serrapsalms

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I know this is the artist himself (:p), but the Ofideans Tumblr user blurb has matches with the Serrapsalms Twitter and the Serrapsalms Tumblr.

Furthermore, to make this post of mine worth your while, also, since you're the artist behind that tag, would you like to be verified? You can have a free verified status check mark shown right beside your artist tag on pictures you upload. The advantage of being a verified artist is that it raises the speed someone can review your own uploads when they run across it. Knowing the artist posted their own art takes away a lot of background checking issues like making sure the source isn't pay-site exclusive, stolen, etc. or that the picture provided is in some way not the best one freely available.

If you're interested, all you need to do is contact site staff via note offsite via one of e621's accounts, telling us your username and artist tag, and that you'd like them linked.

clawstripe said:
I know this is the artist himself (:p), but the Ofideans Tumblr user blurb has matches with the Serrapsalms Twitter and the Serrapsalms Tumblr.

Furthermore, to make this post of mine worth your while, also, since you're the artist behind that tag, would you like to be verified? You can have a free verified status check mark shown right beside your artist tag on pictures you upload. The advantage of being a verified artist is that it raises the speed someone can review your own uploads when they run across it. Knowing the artist posted their own art takes away a lot of background checking issues like making sure the source isn't pay-site exclusive, stolen, etc. or that the picture provided is in some way not the best one freely available.

If you're interested, all you need to do is contact site staff via note offsite via one of e621's accounts, telling us your username and artist tag, and that you'd like them linked.

Sounds amazing to me, I'm in! It was also to prevent my NSFW stuff from showing up on the search results, but right now I'm considering letting them show up regardless (embracing it basically). Does contacting them "by note" mean, like, DM?

...actually, i think i'll want my usernames aliased in the opposite way (serra to ofi basically) , so for that, i make an alternate tag-aliasing post, right? thank you in advance!

serrapsalms said:
Sounds amazing to me, I'm in! It was also to prevent my NSFW stuff from showing up on the search results, but right now I'm considering letting them show up regardless (embracing it basically). Does contacting them "by note" mean, like, DM?

Yes. By whatever private messaging whichever site you choose to use allows you to communicate with another user.

serrapsalms said:
...actually, i think i'll want my usernames aliased in the opposite way (serra to ofi basically) , so for that, i make an alternate tag-aliasing post, right? thank you in advance!

Pretty much. Since you want to reject this request, you can click on alias #62134 in your OP and reject it on the resulting page. Then, you can either make a new alias request the other way around while linking to this thread in the Reasons field or make a BUR, using

alias serrapsalms -> ofideans

and putting 38392 in that "Forum thread" box near the bottom which will allow you to stick the BUR in this thread.

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