The tag implication #50791 container_bondage -> container is pending approval.
Reason: container_bondage means a character who is bound inside a container, so in the posts with this tag, the container is also presented.
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #50791 container_bondage -> container is pending approval.
Reason: container_bondage means a character who is bound inside a container, so in the posts with this tag, the container is also presented.
watchdog22 said:
The tag implication #50791 container_bondage -> container is pending approval.Reason: container_bondage means a character who is bound inside a container, so in the posts with this tag, the container is also presented.
Unsure what to make of it right now.
What's the ideal interaction with characters in science-y containment devices? Most of the first page under container_bondage is a single pool.
(Stopped looking, didn't get through the whole laboratory tag so there could be more)
If the above can be grouped into container_bondage (or at least the non-bound ones can count as container) I can change my vote to +1, but I'm a little worried the people looking for this stuff and this stuff might be disappointed if they're diluted into another 600+ laboratory posts.
Otherwise that big YCH needs a cleanup and the tag needs to be monitored.