Topic: Whats your favorite kind of genitals (both "female" and "male")?

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somelatinphrase said:
In regards to "female" genitals I find equine and (equine-like) genitals to be the sexiest by far. Its super sexy looking, aesthetically pleasing (imo), but also not boring looking, plus I love the huge clit.

When it comes to "male" genitals I like equine, and basically anything prehensile. I like certain canine style ones too.

I also like certain depiction of human female vulva, and canine vulva. And more "alien" looking vulva and penis.

Humanoid genitalia is my personal favorite, but any animal penis is fine too. I just never found any other pussy other than humanoid attractive.

Female is 100% human
Male i prefer human especially uncut but canine and equine is good

wandering_spaniel said:
Human genitals have lots of variety too, actually. Anybody have preferences among human ones?

Personally I'm pretty into micropenises and large clits/t-dicks :) I like unusual genitals I guess

I like a lot of weird male bits, but I also like any human-type member that is uncut.

Every time I see a circumcised dick in furry art I immediately think "why would you circumcise a raccoon" or insert whatever species. But then I realize that there are furries (and artists) who have never seen an uncut dick and some who don't even realize that foreskin is a thing that exists. If you go out to the midwest, there are a lot of adult-age people who have not seen or heard of foreskin.

More generally, my observation among furries is that the popular opinon leans toward "if it has a human dick, a dog dick or a horse dick it's totally fine, but if it has any other species' dick, you're a dirty you-know-what."

And there are tons of arguments about that topic and its associate controversy going back to the dawn of furry fandom. You can go back on the newsgroup and see that argument as far back as the early 1980s with one side being like "well if you're going to draw that species in some kind of sexual context, then how is drawing it with that species' penis any worse?" countered with "if you know what that animal's dick looks like then _______" and the follow-on argument of "how is a dog or horse dick fine but a _____ dick is somehow crossing the line?"


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