Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: great_ape -> oozaru

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

we should probably alias something like great_ape_(dragon_ball), since that's the name used in most localizations...
actually, do we want to use oozaru as the tag name? it is used a few times in official english media but "great ape" is much more common. I do think that "oozaru" is more distinctive and I'm fine just going with the TFS route of picking and choosing whatever sounds cooler.

I know nothing about dragon ball but +1 for great_ape_(dragon_ball) if that's the official english name, since we're supposed to go with english localized names for e6 tags

cloudpie said:
I know nothing about dragon ball but +1 for great_ape_(dragon_ball) if that's the official english name, since we're supposed to go with english localized names for e6 tags

there are some exceptions, though. like, we don't use the dumbass localized stand names for JoJo since literally no one in the uses those.

I in my opinion, I think oozaru might be the better tag name, it's is pretty widely accepted term in the community and is arguably a bit less ambiguous.
but also I might just be biased since y'know it literally isn't an ape.