Topic: I think I know why many people accidentaly report comments when they mean to reply.

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

It's This

When you look at comments on this kind of comment tab, you only get the option to report. some might just instinctively without thinking clicked the only option, being report, to reply even if the page they get sent to is the report page.

So, the reason why i categorized it as feature request is cuz, why not add the reply option when looking in this kind of pages?

Good point, this had never crossed my mind because I instincticaly know the reply button's always on the left.

This could be good to implement, unless we don't want users to reply without the full context of the conversation.

Also, Report and Hide links should be moved away from Reply and Edit:

.forum-post div.content-menu li:nth-child(2n):not([class]) {
    float: right; font-size:80%;

topic #32670 topic #35981


It might be a better idea to just remove the Report button from that page as well, and also the vote buttons. If the justification for not allowing replies is that you don't want people replying without full context, why not apply the same logic to reports? It's not as if the ability to make massive numbers of reports is particularly useful anyway - you're more likely to just piss off the mods. As for voting, don't we regularly have problems with users mass-downvoting every one of a user's comments? It seems like removing those buttons would be removing a major tool in a troll's arsenal while affecting next to no genuine users.

wat8548 said:
It might be a better idea to just remove the Report button from that page as well, and also the vote buttons. If the justification for not allowing replies is that you don't want people replying without full context, why not apply the same logic to reports? It's not as if the ability to make massive numbers of reports is particularly useful anyway - you're more likely to just piss off the mods. As for voting, don't we regularly have problems with users mass-downvoting every one of a user's comments? It seems like removing those buttons would be removing a major tool in a troll's arsenal while affecting next to no genuine users.

This gets into Twitter level antipatterns. LOL, they called it 'friction' to require extra button presses to get the 'cheese'. i.e. Paraphrasing what Weird Al said, stop sending everyone this nonsense!
I guess in theory they could just script it but that makes it really easy to detect abuse from looking at log. Oh, downvoting 10 every hour for a week? As Tenboro says when dealing with such people, "Nope".

A good question is why you have just a report button in the first place... Maybe hitting Reply should force you to load it in context much like hitting the direct link to a comment. This would avoid the firehose brigade that doesn't actually read previous comments (but not eliminate it).

wat8548 said:
It might be a better idea to just remove the Report button from that page as well, and also the vote buttons. If the justification for not allowing replies is that you don't want people replying without full context, why not apply the same logic to reports? It's not as if the ability to make massive numbers of reports is particularly useful anyway - you're more likely to just piss off the mods. As for voting, don't we regularly have problems with users mass-downvoting every one of a user's comments? It seems like removing those buttons would be removing a major tool in a troll's arsenal while affecting next to no genuine users.

Fine alternative, but this is the same case for replies to yourself and comments of your own uploads. I think removing report and votes is fine, but i still would like to have a reply option there for convenience. But if it really seems like it'd be more negative than positive. Not my choice, it's the mods.

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