Topic: Takedowns, DNP inconsistencies, errors etc.

Posted under General

Sometimes I look for deleted posts. Especially highly upvoted ones to maybe find them somewhere else and to see why they were deleted. Sometimes I get a bit confused, though like in most recent example that made me finally ask about it.
Madbeak for example is not on DNP or conditional one despite takedown #16266 suggesting that NSFW art is not welcome here. Also for example post #3102310 is hardly NSFW.

Is there some changelog to check if artist simply changed mind or it was simply not added in the first place by mistake? Is there way to report incorrect takedowns?

The artist probably didn't request being added to the DNP list when they made the takedown request.

faucet said:
The artist probably didn't request being added to the DNP list when they made the takedown request.

Ok, but what about deleting all arist posts when takedown specifically asks for NSFW?

arter said:
Ok, but what about deleting all arist posts when takedown specifically asks for NSFW?

What the artist specified as a reason for a takedown is less relevant than what they put in the "Special Instructions" field.
What they have there is "Delete everything with the tag madbeak", which is exactly what was done.

And faucet is right. You have to explicitly ask to be put on the DNP list.

arter said:
Is there way to report incorrect takedowns?

I second that question. One of the artists I follow was uploaded here, a bit later their webcomic was also uploaded, after which almost the entirety of the content of their tag got nuked due to "webcomic." reason. But later the webcomic pages were un-deleted, but the rest of the previously approved art remained deleted. When I asked the mod that did the deletion why it was so, all I literally got was a two-word answer "I dunno".

stellar_hips said:
I second that question. One of the artists I follow was uploaded here, a bit later their webcomic was also uploaded, after which almost the entirety of the content of their tag got nuked due to "webcomic." reason. But later the webcomic pages were un-deleted, but the rest of the previously approved art remained deleted. When I asked the mod that did the deletion why it was so, all I literally got was a two-word answer "I dunno".

You can always open a ticket against certain posts that have weird situations, but the easiest would be to message NotMeNotYou directly as he handles the takedowns.

rainbow_dash said:
You can always open a ticket against certain posts that have weird situations, but the easiest would be to message NotMeNotYou directly as he handles the takedowns.

Okay, thanks!

stellar_hips said:
I second that question. One of the artists I follow was uploaded here, a bit later their webcomic was also uploaded, after which almost the entirety of the content of their tag got nuked due to "webcomic." reason. But later the webcomic pages were un-deleted, but the rest of the previously approved art remained deleted. When I asked the mod that did the deletion why it was so, all I literally got was a two-word answer "I dunno".

Yeah, I think that was due to a misunderstanding with the artist giving permission. I mentioned it in my DM to NMNY about something different a few days ago, so the other posts will likely be restored as well whenever he gets around to it.


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