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That's probably the ultimate question of 2021 for the furries... Roxy or Loona?

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  • Well, for one, Roxy doesn't have syphilis...
    Also, she is not evil by nature, because you know, Glitchtrap and all that.

    Not a hard choice if you ask me.

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  • Loona. Syphylis is easily curable, and I'm into tsunderes.
    Also, Roxy is a robot with no soft parts. Unless we're taking some crossdimensional organic version of her.

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  • Probably Roxy, because she won’t give me syphilis… Then again, death by destruction pelvis from an animatronic might be bad too…

    I’m joking, my favorite’s actually SCP-1471-a LOL

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  • miestwin said:
    Loona. Syphylis is easily curable, and I'm into tsunderes.
    Also, Roxy is a robot with no soft parts. Unless we're taking some crossdimensional organic version of her.

    I assume the choice is between the versions portrayed here.

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  • If possible both, but if I had to choose one, I'd have to go with Loona
    Syphilis isn't that much of a drawback in my eyes, and I gotta thing for goth girls, so........yeah
    But i guess it doesn't matter, since whether I pick either, the other one will tear me to shreds

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