The upload in question:
I am just VERY curious why this image gets replaced when I am pretty certain that the version in my Google Photos/FurAffinity (the original website it was on does not exist anymore) is the best version of it, and not some random post from twitter someone found where I was entering an art raffle with it. I compared both images as best as I could and I saw no difference that would have justified it, except that the "new" version is a JPG and not a PNG (I assume because it's from twitter). They are both the same dimensions and I didn't notice any visible artifacts.
I should mention I am the art owner/uploader as well. and that the "new" source is just a random twitter post from 2020, when the image predates that random tweet. I am just very confused. I wouldn't really care about this if it was just some random image i uploaded over 5 years ago, but this is art that is actually mine.
I was going to want to ask an admin directly but I don't know how to do that without picking one specifically to DM. I'm also not allowed to replace my own uploads.