The bulk update request #5451 is pending approval.
remove implication two_tone_wool (12) -> multicolored_wool (21)
remove implication two_tone_wool (12) -> two_tone_fur (129654)
Reason: Want to replace two_tone_* tags because they confuse TONE with COLOR.
(starting with wool, because simpler than some other two_tone* tags)
two_tone_wool says:
"Used for posts depicting a character with wool that has two distinct colors."
says tone is:
"... A tone is one of the lighter, darker, or brighter shades of the same colour. ..."
example: a creature with LIGHT GREEN wool and DARK GREEN wool has TWO_TONE_wool. (two tones of green)
Since old tag is two_tone_wool, (note: NO "d" after tone)
suggest new tag be two_color_wool (ie. to match style of two_tone_wool)
(EDIT: and maybe BUR above should also
remove alias two_color_body -> two_tone_body ,
so that BUR below can have
alias two_tone_body -> two_color_body)
part 2 of BUR (draft):
alias two_tone_wool -> two_color_wool
imply two_color_wool -> two_color_fur
imply two_color_wool -> multicolored_fur
imply two_color_fur -> two_color_body
imply two_color_body -> multicolored_body
Talk at has stalled. (old thread possibly overwhelming and/or TL;DR)
Starting this thread in hopes of getting ball rolling on replacing two_tone_* tags.