Topic: Tag alias: coiling_another -> coiling

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Reverse and implicate. Unless there's a reason to not tag when a character is coiling an object or themself, in which case just reversing.

watsit said:
Reverse and implicate. Unless there's a reason to not tag when a character is coiling an object or themself, in which case just reversing.

Why would it be reversed if it's an implication? The order it's currently in, coiling_another -> coiling, makes the most sense as an implication. coiling_another always requires coiling, but not necessarily the other way around.

Though it really does seem at the moment that coiling_another and coiling are synonymous - would coiling ever be used for a character coiling themselves or an object?

faucet said:
Why would it be reversed if it's an implication? The order it's currently in, coiling_another -> coiling, makes the most sense as an implication. coiling_another always requires coiling, but not necessarily the other way around.

Though it really does seem at the moment that coiling_another and coiling are synonymous - would coiling ever be used for a character coiling themselves or an object?

the coiling wiki already says that it's for situations where a character with a serpentine body or similar appendage is wrapping around another character's body. essentially it's the serpentine equivalent to hug or maybe grappling and a few similar tags.

those other tag assume that there's two parties involved by default and then have separate modified tags for when it's a solo that are not implied back to the normal tag (hugging_object, pillow_hug). I'd say that coiling should function similarly, the base coiling tag is for situations involving more than one character (or one character and tentacles) and then have coiling_<thing> tags for other situations.

sipothac said:
those other tag assume that there's two parties involved by default and then have separate modified tags for when it's a solo that are not implied back to the normal tag (hugging_object, pillow_hug). I'd say that coiling should function similarly, the base coiling tag is for situations involving more than one character (or one character and tentacles) and then have coiling_<thing> tags for other situations.

I'd say have the coiling tag as the base that may be used for single or multiple characters (like how hug can be for single or multiple characters). coiling_self, coiling_object, and coiling_another can be used to indicate what's being coiled, which would all implicate coiling.

Looking off-site for a moment (everyone should try it sometime), seems like our original definition of coiling is invented anyway. I can't quickly find anything supporting that "coiling" must be done to another creature to qualify for the term. Snakes balling up or curling their bodies inward get loosely referred to as coiling, without them grasping anything. I'm not seeing a formal zoological use for the term describing serpentine creatures. Coiling is just an apt descriptive word for the looped shaped or the act of forming that shape. Seems like our definition for coiling is purely an e621-ism. As such, I see no reason to restrict coiling to something done to other characters. It's fine as long as the serpentine body is wrapped around something as expected.

I think our coiling wiki originally tried to describe constricting fetishized as pseudo-bondage. Constricting would be coiling to kill, asphyxiate, and/or break bones for snakes lacking venom. Another real, similar snake term is sidewinding, for the sideways-forward motion some snakes use to travel across difficult terrain like desert sand.

Bump, do we want coiling as an umbrella tag, or keep it as it is? Reversing the alias is probably the best course of action if we don't want it as an umbrella tag

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