Topic: [REJECTED] I'd like to request for white sclera to no longer be redirected to invalid tag.

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #5661 has been rejected.

remove alias white_sclera (1976) -> invalid_tag (1)

Reason: Mod says to submit this here.
I'd like to request for white sclera to no longer be redirected to invalid tag.
As the wiki says for white sclera "you don't need to tag images with white_sclera unless the character typically has different-colored sclera". Mine is not normally white, I'd like to be able to use this tag again please.
Thank you for reading and considering.
(Sorry if I formatted something wrong, this is my first time using this area of the site.)

EDIT: The bulk update request #5661 (forum #378936) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

it was aliased away 7 years ago by Parasprite, however it seems to have since been removed. "longstanding debate" leads me to believe it was misused frequently and seldomly fixed, so the usefulness of the tag was being challenged and ultimately decided to be aliased to invalid tag.

from white_sclera wikipage:
As a general rule, you don't need to tag images with white_sclera unless the character typically has different-colored sclera.

I don't know how I'd feel about having a tag that functions like this, we don't generally have tags that are only valid when something is off-model. but I'm also not sure how I'd feel about having a tag that applies to nearly every post containing a character's face, I know that the "don't tag the defaults" philosophy is kinda dead at this point (outside of nude applying to feral), but still...

Not sure if it's so much as don't tag defaults as WON'T tag, so might as well not even have it?



sipothac said:
I know that the "don't tag the defaults" philosophy is kinda dead at this point (outside of nude applying to feral), but still...

It's less "don't tag defaults" and more "don't tag what applies to almost all posts". If white_sclera would return mostly the same results as the posts page, it's just pointless tag bloat (or worse if it's also undertagged, since the posts page would likely be a more reliable way to find posts with white_sclera than the actual tag). It's better to tag when it's not that, as there'd be far fewer posts to tag that way and less occurrences of the tag missing. Similar for tagging ferals as nude, if "feral nude" would return mostly the same as "feral", it's just tag bloat and would be better to tag when it's not that instead (e.g. clothed_feral).

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