Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: fingertips_touching -> index_to_index

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



Should be reversed, IMO. index_to_index is vague and ambiguous since there are more "index"es than the index finger (which is also the less common term for the pointer finger).

watsit said:
Should be reversed, IMO. index_to_index is vague and ambiguous since there are more "index"es than the index finger (which is also the less common term for the pointer finger).

"Fingertips touching" also seems vague to me, I think it could just as easily be interpreted as this hand gesture.

i've checked the posts with the tag enough that, yeah, there are posts that feature characters touching multiple to all fingers (e.g steepled_fingers). alternatively, i would decide populating it to touching_finger(s) if it's alright. fingertips_touching tag feels very specific and loose.

I still don't get why this needs to be changed. fingertips_touching is both clear and concise. touching_fingers sounds like it could refer to touching any part of the fingers, and doesn't necessarily imply that fingers are doing the touching either.

wat8548 said:
I still don't get why this needs to be changed. fingertips_touching is both clear and concise. touching_fingers sounds like it could refer to touching any part of the fingers, and doesn't necessarily imply that fingers are doing the touching either.

i don't know whether any of posts are there featuring characters touching anything else of their fingers than fingertips, like phalanges or any other form of finger part.
this argument also applies to the question why finger_on_penis exist when fingertip_on_penis should be instead to be "clear and concise" on 99% of posts there. because there isn't any other part of the fingers but fingertip touching it? fingertips is just the lowest hyponymy of the finger, like if there are tags aliased relating to lips are aliased to mouth or cum_on_teeth is aliased to cum_in_mouth, not concise with existing posts featuring cum sticking on character's teeth instead of insides.

faucet said:
"Fingertips touching" also seems vague to me, I think it could just as easily be interpreted as this hand gesture.

Index_fingertips_touching would clear it up if we wanna be super clear. But whether that's necessary is another question i guess

shy gesture
shy fingers
shy hands
shia labeouf
shy finger twiddling

one of these would seem more appropriate

I think it would be valuable to agree with a name for that gesture and supply it was the necessary aliases (and implication). Reviving this thread to mention another example of a duplicate, fingers_together

I wasn't particularly against index to index as the main tag (meh vote was because I'd rather invalidate the antecedent tag because of its ambiguity) though it seems everyone else wasn't particularly enthused about it.


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