Topic: the jumbled state of clits and tdicks

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

For a while I've been adding the tag tdick whenever I saw it, until I noticed that an alt spelling t-dick had previously been aliased to enlarged_clitoris to include the (sometimes) visually identical large/enlarged clits on cis women. Looking into it sent me down a rabbit hole, so I'm putting all my thoughts and observations here in hopes of starting a discussion. Sorry this is all over the place.

The wiki for enlarged_clitoris says that it applies to any type of larger-than-average clit AND that it should be reserved for anything than big_clitoris. Which I believe wasn't the original intention for the tag when t-dick was aliased to it and mostly isn't reflective of its use. It's currently used mostly for tdicks and realistic enlarged clits.

The tag big_clitoris has some overlap with enlarged_clitoris, but it mostly leans toward females with prominent or exaggerated glans. Confusingly, the wiki says that it's meant to be a step below enlarged_clitoris in size, which both breaks the standard *_big *_huge *_hyper tags and contradicts the first section of the enlarged_clitoris wiki.

There should be separate tags for different "styles" of enlargement. Posts like post #4334522 (elongated glans, fantasy anatomy), post #4446370 (metoidioplasty, realistic), post #3082502 (enlarged clitoris, realistic) while all belonging under the same umbrella, obviously need a way to be differentiated. Now what the hell these tags could be, I have no idea.

More examples to show that size is not the main differentiating factor: post #4278273 (hyper enlarged clitoris with realistic anatomy), post #1992394 (only the glans is hyper)

Tags for species-specific clits are also missing, but I don't know enough about the topic to categorize them. Most (but not all) cases are already covered by animal_pussy, so maybe it's not the biggest issue.

Clitoral pumps and clitoral pumping are both undertagged. clit_pump has only 12 posts and clitoris_pump has 14. I easily found more under pumping (which is an absolute disaster of a tag btw) and enlarged_clitoris. I intend to combine them into clitoral_pumping and clitoral_pump for now. If that's not the preferred terminology then it can be fixed later with an alias.

clit_dick (38 posts) and clit_cock (15 posts) seem to be for when the clitoris is a penis or a penis is in place of the clitoris. A valid tag imo, but currently very eclectic with many hyper clits and tdick posts in there. I could've sworn there was a more established tag for this, but I can't find it. Probably needs better name.

Should metoidioplasty (sans vaginectomy) belong in this tag? The wiki specifies that "clit dicks" are fully functional, but that's not something that's clear in many cases.

Neophallus doesn't appear to be a tag yet despite being sorely needed. I intend to fix that, unless there's another applicable tag I haven't found yet.
This tag is needed because often it's clear that an enlarged_clitoris us intended to be a neophallus, but it's not clear which specific surgery it's meant to be.

metoidioplasty is undertagged.

How should penis related tags apply in reference to metoidioplasty? Should it imply penis? Does the sackless/balls tag apply? What about when the vagina is also present?

phalloplasty, which is possibly undertagged but probably just rare, is another type of neophallus that doesn't belong in the enlarged_clitoris tag.

When all the above is sorted out, there could be a case for reinstating a version of the t-dick tag to include neophalluses and ~enlarged_clitoris ~big_clitoris visibly_trans.


Progress report: Looks like I'm the only one who cares about clearing up this niche. ^^'

I've made or brushed-up the following wiki pages: clitoral_pumping, clitoral_pump, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, phalloplasty_scars, and corrected big_clitoris, huge_clirotis, hyper_clitoris, and enlarged_clitoris to reflect the consensus reached in previous forum discussions.
The wiki page for enlarged_clitoris still has no clear definition if what makes it different from a regular big_clitoris because I couldn't think of a good way to phrase it. The tag has been operating on "i know it when I see it" rules since it's creation, but a good definition is still needed.

I've cleaned up and begun further populating the clitoral_pump/clitoral_pumping tags. Most occurrences of it are not my cup of tea, so some help would be greatly appreciated.
I'd like to make a clitoral_pump/ing bur, but I wanna make sure everyone is okay with using the term "clitoral" for it first. I also noticed that other pumping types need similar treatment and a suitable umbrella tag. Maybe a full bur is in order...

Phalloplasty is being used to cover all manner of surgically altered/created penises, whether it be a real or fictional method of surgery. So should metoidioplasty imply phallo? Would that negate the need for a neophallus tag?

I've tagged every obvious metoidioplasty in the tdick tag, but some of them are borderline where it looks like it's supposed to be a meta based on the length and position, but only the top of the shaft is visible so it could feasibly be an exaggerated enlarged clit. I don't know what to do with these and I'd like to figure it out before aliasing the tag away into the much larger pool of enlarged_clitoris.
There's also a hyper_tdick tag that I forgot about earlier that's going to need taking care of. Is there any need for a hyper_enlarged_clitoris tag? I think hyper_clitoris enlarged_clitoris should be good enough in theory. Though currently, most of the stuff in that search should not be tagged enlarged_clitoris at all.

I've also made a bur (topic #41883) to realias huge_clit to huge_clitoris.

cloudpie said:
The clit tags are a huge mess. I've been wanting to fix them for years but haven't figured it out yet

It's a huge mess and even if everything could be categorized neatly, female anatomy is a lot less common knowledge than male. Expecting the average tagger to keep up is a big ask.
That's why I figured enlarged_clitoris is a good place to start. Proportional anatomy seems to be the exception when it comes to big clits, and there's already a tagging effort for it.

I cleaned up the entire enlarged_clitoris tag sans some animations and young characters I didn't wanna look at. Now enlarged_clitoris ~andromorph ~trans_(lore) ~visibly_trans works as a suitable replacement for the old t-dick tags.
Almost everything that I removed went into a new tag I created: enlarged_clitoral_glans. I'm not satisfied with the name. "Enlarged" is still confusing and e6 uses glans only in reference to penises, but I figure it's clear enough and we could always change the tag name later. It needs some minor cleanup already as I put some posts in there that were borderline psudo-penis. I'm not sure where the line is. I mostly just wanted to make sure to tag them something rather than banishing them to the clitoris sea.

Now that actual progress is happening I think I'll edit the op to be a cohesive place to keep track of these projects instead of inane rambling.