The bulk update request #6415 is pending approval.
create implication potbelly (2442) -> belly (261337)
create implication bloated (4568) -> belly (261337)
create implication musclegut (35769) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_jiggle (490) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_overhang (6687) -> belly (261337)
create implication hanging_belly (352) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_hat (9) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_hump (10) -> big_belly (108953)
create implication veiny_belly (263) -> belly (261337)
create implication veiny_belly (263) -> vein (207691)
create implication sloshing_belly (2492) -> belly (261337)
create implication sloshing_belly (2492) -> slosh (3013)
create implication belly_inflation (4770) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_smother (190) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_smother (190) -> smothering (6818)
create implication hyper_pregnancy (3406) -> huge_belly (23938)
create implication resting_on_belly (2148) -> huge_belly (23938)
create implication belly_on_ground (816) -> belly (261337)
create implication belly_kiss (114) -> kissing (68853)
create implication belly_lick (369) -> licking (145378)
create implication belly_rub (2371) -> rubbing (3609)
Reason: A bunch of belly-related implications, this should help with the fact that a lot of people forget to tag it in their posts.