Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: small_but_hung -> small_character

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #56722 small_but_hung -> small_character has been rejected.

Reason: Since a post must have a small character to receive the "small_but_hung" tag, it seems logical that a post with that tag should also have the "small_character" tag. This would also help populate the sadly under-used small_character tag.

EDIT: The tag implication small_but_hung -> small_character (forum #394190) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator



"small_character" should be invalidated, IMO. "Small" is a relative and subjective term, what's small to someone may not be to another, and we have tags like micro and smaller_* to handle when a character is visibly small relative to something else.

watsit said:
"small_character" should be invalidated, IMO. "Small" is a relative and subjective term, what's small to someone may not be to another, and we have tags like micro and smaller_* to handle when a character is visibly small relative to something else.

A valid point, but smaller_* has the size_difference tag implied, which is usually associated with more than one character or object being depicted. What should we do in situations where the character depicted is known to be small, but there's no point of reference in the picture itself to announce that? This one for example: post #3982130

Everyone knows Stitch is a little guy, but there's no point of reference in the image to tell us that. Is there some other tag that could be used to denote that the character is known to be small, or should the small_but_hung tag be removed since there's no point of reference, even though this would make search results less accurate?

young, big head, huge head, micro, smaller_*, etc. would be better for pretty much every use case.

timeswordsman said:

Everyone knows Stitch is a little guy, but there's no point of reference in the image to tell us that.

If the post doesn't portray one of the above then it doesn't really need to be tagged. Character lore is basically irrelevant for this purpose.

lafcadio said:
young, big head, huge head, micro, smaller_*, etc. would be better for pretty much every use case.

If the post doesn't portray one of the above then it doesn't really need to be tagged. Character lore is basically irrelevant for this purpose.

Would changing small_character to a lore tag be suitable? Also for those of us looking to avoid the young tag it's sort of important to distinguish young characters from the merely petit, and micro is a very specific sort of small.


timeswordsman said:
Would changing small_character to a lore tag be suitable? Also for those of us looking to avoid the young tag it's sort of important to distinguish young characters from the merely petit, and micro is a very specific sort of small.

lore tags are reserved for a reason, there are scant few things that would be valid enough to warrant existence but would need to be given a pass from TWYS.

sipothac said:
lore tags are reserved for a reason, there are scant few things that would be valid enough to warrant existence but would need to be given a pass from TWYS.

My primary concern is search accuracy. I think known character size should still be considered relevant when looking up images that lack an immediate reference point, but if people disagree then that's all there is to it.

timeswordsman said:
Would changing small_character to a lore tag be suitable? Also for those of us looking to avoid the young tag it's sort of important to distinguish young characters from the merely petit, and micro is a very specific sort of small.

There's chibi as well. Also you shouldn't be trying to avoid the young tag if the character looks young proportionally - that's the use case for young + adult_(lore). I don't think I'd tag that Stitch as young, though.

nimphia said:
There's chibi as well. Also you shouldn't be trying to avoid the young tag if the character looks young proportionally - that's the use case for young + adult_(lore). I don't think I'd tag that Stitch as young, though.

Neither would I, hence the difficulty. There's no way to bring all these separate size tags under an umbrella at present despite a lot of overlap, and I've seen it cause tagging confusion before.