Topic: Are there any simple implications, aliases, or BURs that you want to bump back up?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Can we have Male_Only and Female_Only back? It takes three tags to equal those if you're looking for gender specific pics.

Male only would be
-Female -Intersex -Ambiguos_Gender




Seikret's only going to be getting more popular with the beta of the new Monster Hunter game. Moving the old fan name and implicating the series shouldn't be controversial:
topic #44719

generic_ferret said:
Warrior_(series) needs to be aliased to Warriors_(book_series)

this thread is for bumping already posted aliases/implications
if you want an alias to be made you'll need to make a forum topic for it

manitka said:
this thread is for bumping already posted aliases/implications
if you want an alias to be made you'll need to make a forum topic for it

Thank you for telling me!

topic #46146: Implying characters to their home series and their series back to the company.
No votes, but should be a simple approve.


topic #47377: Only one upvote and no other activity after over two months. BUR is for a character who was misnamed due to years-long misformation.


topic #54731: mind_control and body_control to implicate controlled. 2 upvotes, 0 posts after 16 days.
topic #54714: Implications for various breast tags. 3 upvotes, 0 posts after 17 days.
topic #54688: beverage_drinking -> drinking_beverage. 1 upvote, 0 posts after 18 days.
forum #436182: Collecting synonyms for human_fetish. 3 upvotes, 0 downvotes after 20 days.
forum #436046: Rename soft_dom to gentle_domination. 6 upvotes, 0 downvotes after 21 days.
topic #54620: Implications for various humiliation tags. 3 upvotes, 0 posts after 21 days.
topic #54582: cherry_popping implications. 2 upvotes, 0 posts after 22 days.
topic #54548: Retirement of <family>_penetrating_<family>. 8 upvotes, 0 downvotes after 24 days.


topic #46033: pussy -> vulva/vagina. 5 downvotes but over twice as many upvotes, and no discussion after 4 months.
