The tag implication #60077 vaginal_prodding -> prodding is pending approval.
Reason: obviously
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #60077 vaginal_prodding -> prodding is pending approval.
Reason: obviously
tjacky said:
The tag implication #60077 vaginal_prodding -> prodding is pending approval.Reason: obviously
Not as obvious as you think it is, and even if it were, you should still state the reasoning.
vaginal prodding and anal prodding would cover the entirety of the prodding tag, and they could be useful for specifying which kind is occurring, but I wonder how these two tags would be meaningfully different (when tagged correctly) from vaginal + prodding and anal + prodding in a search. If they aren't, should both these sub tags be aliased to prodding
For their other prodding BUR, see topic #43261
from the wiki of prodding says "not far enough to be considered vaginal_penetration or anal_penetration.", so normally the image tagged prodding shouldn't be tagged vaginal nor anal, there for vaginal + prodding and anal + prodding would show much less result.
And since there are many image be tagged only one of prodding or vaginal_prodding, I think an implication is necessary.
snpthecat said:
Not as obvious as you think it is, and even if it were, you should still state the reasoning.vaginal prodding and anal prodding would cover the entirety of the prodding tag, and they could be useful for specifying which kind is occurring, but I wonder how these two tags would be meaningfully different (when tagged correctly) from vaginal + prodding and anal + prodding in a search. If they aren't, should both these sub tags be aliased to prodding
For their other prodding BUR, see topic #43261
Oh my bad, vaginal is everything involving pussy, so prodding and vaginal can be co-exist, so maybe vaginal_prodding and anal_prodding are two redundant tags.
Actually, I might change my stance on this. vaginal + prodding may cover things like anal_prodding vaginal_penetration and I think that it would be useful to be able to search with this level of granularity.
vaginal_prodding should imply vaginal, likewise with anal prodding
To a not as related topic, prodding is mistagged a bit with penetration tags, though with a tag this small it can be manually reviewed and changed