Topic: [APPROVED] Frostlock artist tag consolidate

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7340 is active.

create alias quarma (2) -> frostlock (47)
create alias frostlocke (1) -> frostlock (47)
create alias frost-lock (0) -> frostlock (47)
create alias frostedwarlock (3) -> frostlock (47)

Reason: Sorry if request is wrong.

These are all the same person. Artist was previously named Quarma, then started going by different forms of "Frostlock". Artist primarily uploads on Twitter these days and goes by Frostlock there, but the Frostedwarlock tag has more on it and has an artist entry, so up to you if everything should be set to "Frostlock" or "Frostedwarlock".

EDIT: The bulk update request #7340 (forum #398109) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

whadafux said:
The buwk update wequest #7340 is pending appwovaw (・`ω´・)

mass update quawma -> fwostedwawwock
mass update fwostwocke -> fwostedwawwock
cweate awias quawma (11) -> fwostedwawwock (39)
cweate awias fwostwocke (1) -> fwostedwawwock (39)
cweate awias fwostwock (0) -> fwostedwawwock (39)
cweate awias fwost-wock (0) -> fwostedwawwock (39)

Weason: Sowwy if wequest is wwong.

These awe aww the same pewson. Awtist was pweviouswy nyamed Quawma, then stawted going by diffewent fowms of "Fwostwock". Awtist pwimawiwy upwoads on Twittew these days and goes by Fwostwock thewe, but the Fwostedwawwock tag has mowe on it and has an awtist entwy, so up to you if evewything shouwd be set to "Fwostwock" ow "Fwostedwawwock".

You don't nyeed to mass update fwom the tag if you'we awweady awiasing the tag to it.

clawstripe said:
Arguably, frostlock is the better target due to the whole FA not changing user names thing. It's not hard to move over wiki entries.

I agree. Can the approver make that change or would I have to update it?

snpthecat said:
You don't nyeed to mass update fwom the tag if you'we awweady awiasing the tag to it.

Thank you for letting me know.

whadafux said:
I agwee (・`ω´・) Can the appwuvw make that change ow wouwd I have to update it?

Thank you fow wetting me knyow.

You wouwd have to update it. You can update youw BUW hewe

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